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Hypnotherapist Frankie Vegas shares her top tips for welcoming spirituality into your world

Being in tune with yourself and centre is key, especially in a post-pandemic world.

How we feel about ourselves and the sense of inner-peace we enjoy in our lives will set us up for success both personally and professionally, so needless to say, mental health cannot go ignored.

There are so many incredible forms of holistic medicine and wellness practices that can do wonders for our mental health, often more so than a pill.

Embracing innovative and newer ways to improve our inner-beings is the future of health and wellness, and the best approach to preserve our bodies for the long term.

Enter Frankie Vegas, hypnotherapist and spirituality guru, who is on a mission to spread the truth about living a fully authentic lifestyle rooted in spiritual energy.

Frankie recently launched her brand, WHO’S FRANKIE, to further disseminate this important truth.

WHO’S FRANKIE represents who we all are in our purest form, without judgement on appearance, race, gender, and upbringing. It’s who we are at our core and our souls.

Frankie sought out to create a spiritual safe place for people to find the tools they need to heal themselves, with the help of the most beneficial products that exude the energy we all need in our lives.

As the go-to source for all things energy, empowerment, and spiritual alignment by redirecting our thoughts, Frankie’s advice is invaluable in leading us all towards a brighter path.

The wellness expert spoke exclusively to GLAMOUR South Africa about her journey to discovering her highest-self, how she balances mental and physical health, and her best advice for whole-heartedly welcoming spirituality into your life.

GLAMOUR: What sparked your passion for wellness? Was this always important to you, or did a certain instance in your life inspire it?

Frankie Vegas (FV): Wellness & spirituality has always been a part of my core being. The path of healing others in any way that I can has been what I know is meant to be for as long as I can remember!

GLAMOUR: What is your current fitness regimen, and your nutrition plan you use to stay in shape?

FV: Well, I love hiking and yoga! Something in nature where I can ground myself and connect with the energy around me. I want to get back into martial arts (Tai Chi/ Qi Gong) etc.

As far as mental fitness, I love to meditate. I feel it's extremely important to exercise your mind.

As far as nutrition I eat pretty healthy except for the occasional indulgent days, drink lots of green juice, water, and a home brewed concoction of Ginger root, Lemons, Turmeric Powder (or root), and honey! It is my sworn immunity blend.

A must try! I take vitamins, and most importantly listen to my body. Our bodies speak to us in many ways, telling us what it needs, likes, or dislikes.

If ignored, it can manifest in other ways and emotions! Such as anxiety, depression, illness etc. I've always been told that Dis-ease creates disease.

So in honour of that I eat and nourish my body accordingly. Its very crucial to do what feels right, stay disciplined ofcourse but don't torture yourself.

Glamour: Has your philosophy on health and wellness changed following the COVID-19 pandemic?

FV: I think it has changed for a lot of people, and made everyone a bit more cautious and aware of overall health and cleanliness. I have always been one to love/use a natural hand sanitizer but have used it exceedingly more since the pandemic haha.

I have always believed that health and wellness is extremely important with or without this crisis. The ability to work on your mind, body and soul simultaneously.

My advice is, get some fresh air, some Vitamin D, and do one thing a day that makes you truly happy. That to me is wellness!

GLAMOUR: Knowing that the time factor is a major deterrent for many people, how is it that you are able to manage the demands of your personal life as well as your career and still make time to incorporate wellness into your lifestyle?

FV: It's definitely not easy, but it's about prioritization of what's important to you. I try to not be too hard on myself if I have to sacrifice one for the other on certain days, but as long as I work to balance as best as I can , that is key! I am a bit of a perfectionist.

GLAMOUR: What inspired you to start writing and can you tell us more about it?

FV: I began to have a love for poetry when I was about 7 yrs old which is when I first started writing.

I got the bug I guess you could say! From there I was completely inspired and filled up notebooks upon notebooks of poetry and short stories.

Frankie Vegas, Image: Supplied

In school I would get praise for my creativity and imagination but it wasn't until I was 15/16 that I received editor acclamation for something I've written. It felt amazing to be recognized for my work.

From there, I continued writing, started doing marketing for Wu Music Group and wrote their blog for a couple years. After that I began to focus on my own ideas and started writing my children's book series titled "The Imagination Series".

Which is a 7 book series exploring universal spirituality in a playful way through my own experiences through a child's eyes. I have always felt connected to kids, the purity of their souls.

I want to inspire them to believe anything is possible if they believe, and to highlight imagination and confidence on a soul level.

GLAMOUR: What new projects have you been working on recently?

FV: Aside from my book series I am set to launch by the end of this year/early next year, I launched my spiritual brand WHO'S FRANKIE on New Year's Day 2021!

A brand that represents all of us in our purest form, regardless of what we look like, where we come from, and our upbringing. Our slogan is "we are all souls, we are all the same."

That is what is most important to us at Who's Frankie. I wanted to create what I call, a spiritual safe space where anyone can find the tools that they need to heal themselves.

Whether it be our Native American sustainably harvested Lavender Sage Bundles, to our handmade "Single Soak" bath salts, Crystals, Song bowls, and more.

You can trust that everything you find on is embedded with the highest vibrations possible for optimal healing.

GLAMOUR: How do you think that holistic wellness can be therapeutic and provide benefits that typical forms of western medicine can't?

FV: Holistic wellness has been around for centuries before western medicine! That in itself speaks volumes. The ability to use what this earth has given us to aid in our well being is what I believe was intended all along.

For any ailment, there is a plant or herb that can help. For mental health there is meditation, hypnotherapy, etc. Same goes for emotional and spiritual. Don't get me wrong, western medicine is extraordinary in many ways as far as advancement, testing etc.

But there is something special about healing ourselves WHOLLY through holistic methods that don't have crazy side effects or a ton of additives.

Western medicine treats specific things at a time with higher risk, where holistic covers all aspects of wellness within us.

GLAMOUR: Who or what gives you the most inspiration and motivation to achieve your health goals?

FV: What gives me the most inspiration is my visualization and manifestation of my best self. I continue to aspire every day to evolve and become better than the day before.

I believe that if you are not evolving, you and your energy become stagnant and that is not truly living. You must challenge yourself everyday. That is what I try to do, and that is what motivates me.

GLAMOUR: What tips would you give to someone wanting to live a more healthy and mindful lifestyle?

FV: I would say to stay true to yourself, and your intuition. Life throws curve balls and can try to throw us off our game. If you go with your gut instinct it is usually never wrong.

Trust yourself. I also would say to keep the determination and excitement! If you start to look at every day with excited eyes, remaining in a state of gratitude for what you currently have, more blessings come.

Meditate, speak positive affirmations to yourself everyday, monitor your thought pattern, journal, manifest (in detail), exercise, and drink water!

GLAMOUR: What is something people may not know about you?

FV: People may not know that every year for my birthday I like to go somewhere new! A new adventure and experience is so beneficial to our growth! It inspires and humbles me.

It gives me baby eyes for the world again, and is very restorative. I love the feeling of being free and stumbling into a random cute coffee shop, or going wherever the wind takes me.

GLAMOUR: Who is Frankie, and who is the ideal WHO'S FRANKIE customer?

FV: Who's Frankie reflects the question we ask ourselves throughout life, although the answer is actually simple. It is you, it is me, it is all of us.

We are all souls from the same source. Beings of light and love. That is who I am and what I want for anyone who comes across WHO'S FRANKIE to feel.

The ideal customer for WHO'S FRANKIE is anyone who genuinely needs or wants to create/share high vibrations. People who think outside the box.

Together we can heal the world, but we must heal ourselves first. As the saying goes, our cup must be full before we pour into another.

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