It was Ben Harrison who said ‘I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man who produces the cloth, starves in the process’.
This quote captures the heart of what Fashion Revolution is all about… It is more than a campaign. It’s about starting a conversation. Do you know who makes your clothes?
Fashion Revolution began in 24 April 2013, when the Rana Plaza Factory Complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killing 1133 people and injuring 2500 more.
When the news of the event hit the media, outrage bubbled up from all corners of the globe, as conscious and responsible fashionistas took to the streets to protest the horrifying work conditions in which men, women and even children are forced to labour. Since then, 24 April has been commemorated. It is also International Fashion Revolution Day, in which we are all encouraged to really think about our clothes: who made them, and at what human cost, what does this mean for our environment, are we wearing brands that are ethical and responsible?
Fashion can be beautiful. But its beauty should not come at the cost of tracts of barren land, polluted rivers, landfills oozing wardrobe rejects, and impoverished humans risking their health and wellbeing.
The main objective of the Fashion Revolution Day is to shake the status quo and to rally forces around the concept of ‘slow’ fashion or ethical fashion which questions exactly how clothes are made. Want to make it simple? Just ask yourself: ‘ Who made my clothes?’
Fashion Revolution is strongly driven/powered by the global social media campaign.
Follow @fash_rev and use hash tags #whomademyclothes #insideout #fashrev #fashrevsa on Fashion Revolution Day – 24th April 2015 – we are asking everyone to join in, making a huge social media surge.So South Africa, on 24 April, wear your clothes inside out and show your label and ask the brands WHO MADE MY CLOTHES? Let’s turn fashion into a force for good!
You can also register to attend talks by Tony Budden (Hemporium), Nikki Stear (LiveEco/Remake), Olivia Kennaway (Lalesso) and others at The Bello Studio, Old Biscuit Mill on 24 April.
We invite you to participate.
We invite you to support.
We invite you to act.
Friday 24 April 2015 – International Fashion Revolution Day
HAUTE EDIT is a digital fashion glossy & consultancy that focuses on connecting brands with the right audience.
For more information visit Fashion Revolution and the Fashion Revolution South Africa Facebook page.