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ALL you need to know about GLAMOUR WOTY 2018

What is it?

GLAMOUR Women Of The Year (WOTY) is a celebration, that takes place each year, where we celebrate 10 South African women who have obtained profound success for their impact and contribution in their respective fields.

Who will be honoured?

WOTY recognizes 10 women, in 10 categories ranging from Activism to Sport, to Business, Media and more. These women will be honoured for the positive impact that they are making in society as well as for the inspiration they bring to women across the country and beyond.

How do I get involved? 

There are many ways that you, our GLAMOUR readers, can get involved. We’re not able to reveal anything as yet but stay tuned to to see how you can win awesome prizes.

For now, you can read up on all things Women of the Year 2018, in our content hub, here.

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