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Meet 2018’s GLAMOUR’s Most GLAMOURous

The time has finally come to announce the winners of GLAMOUR’s Most GLAMOURous winners for 2018.

SA is full of stars who exude the style, charisma and individuality that add up to that magical quality known as glamour! Which is why we’re honouring 10 sensational women who epitomise this magical quality.

Meet our GLAMOUR’s Most GLAMOURous winners for 2018.

Sarah Langa Mackay

Nabilah Kariem Peck

Dr Nandipha Sekeleni

Manthe Ribane

Yasmine Furie

Nhlanhla Nciza

Bridget Pickering

Rolanda Marais

Amanda du- Pont

Renee de Wit

Here’s a sneak peek of what went on at the shoot with Amanda du-Pont and Manthe Ribane:


To find out why these special ladies were crowned, pick up the October shelves out now!

For more GLAMOUR’s Most GLAMOURous news click here!

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