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Man Candy: Meet Travel & Lifestyle Content Creator, Clement Lloyd Scholtz

Affectionately known as “Clems,” this charismatic influencer leverages his platforms to elevate the conversation around wellness while showcasing his lifestyle and travels. Here, he shares his captivating approach to content creation and weighs in on his collaboration with Dove on the Keep Beauty Real Campaign.

Glamour: Please introduce yourself to our audience?

Clement: I am Clement Lloyd Scholtz. I'm a full time travel and lifestyle content creator and event curator. I was born in Eldorado Park and raised in Orange Farm, South of Joburg. I love travelling, a good party/hangout with friends, and hitting the gym,

Glamour: How has your perspective on beauty and self-esteem shaped your work with the Dove brand? How do you think the Real Beauty Generation Microsite will impact male audiences' perceptions of beauty?

Clement: The main message behind my work with Dove has been to take care of ourselves, our natural beauty and our health, both mentally and physically, which really is everything I believe in already. So through my work with Dove Men +Care, I try to drive the message of acceptance and being confident and comfortable in who I am.

Image: Supplied

Glamour: From a male perspective, how do you view the role of Generative AI in shaping beauty standards and self-image? What are your thoughts on how AI can be used to create more inclusive and realistic portrayals of beauty?

Clement: With the advancement of AI, we are seeing an influx of imagery that gives a false perception of what beauty is, almost everything is edited or made to look perfect, which sets unrealistic goals for people/women and young girls who kill themselves trying to maintain, fit in or reach those standards. I think AI, especially related to beauty, should be inclusive and have a broader spectrum on the different types of bodies, skin tones/colours, hair types and any skin imperfections that exist. AI needs to catch up with us, rather than the other way round.

Glamour: How can male influencers like yourself contribute to promoting positive self-esteem and authentic beauty standards in the digital space? What strategies have you found effective in addressing these issues with your audience?

Clement: As male influencers we should be real, open and honest about our own flaws, the struggles with our bodies and how we look. Things aren’t always smooth and going well. I've been on a fitness and skin care journey for a while now; The one time I’m very happy with what I see in the mirror, most of the time I’m not, but it doesn’t stop there. It's a continuous journey, I own it, I’m not perfect and I’m very happy to document and share this journey with my audience.

Image: Supplied

Glamour: In what ways do you think the Real Beauty Generation Microsite can influence how men view beauty and body image, both in themselves and in others?

Clement: By being inclusive and promoting imagery of the everyday women or men that anyone can relate to or see on the street. We have a false idea of what the perfect woman or man looks like and that needs to be corrected. Not everyone has the perfect abs, small waist or skin.

Glamour: Given your role with Dove, how do you balance promoting body positivity and challenging traditional beauty standards while engaging with AI tools and digital content?

Clement: As a content creator with Dove Men+Care I keep My content very simple, Direct and authentic. We all love a good filter, but I only use AI tools to enhance certain features that didn’t come out that great in the creation of my content. Remaining true to myself, my look and image is vital to me and I try to maintain that.

Glamour: What's your message for Women's Month?

Clement: My message for Women’s Month is the last stanza from a Poem by MAX Ehrmann: Desiderata: If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

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