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Here’s why you should mention these 8 ‘soft skills’ on your CV when job hunting

Soft skills are imperative no matter which professional field you are in and every person should invest some time to learn these skills.

"A lot of people think that it has become obsolete to mention soft skills in the CV but remember if not directly they have to be mentioned indirectly through your work experience or qualifications.

Here are the eight most important soft skills that you must mention in your résumé:

Communication skills: To be able to put forward your point of view in a well-articulated way and to convey your ideas effectively you must be good at this skill.

Verbal communication, written communication in the form of professional email writing, drafting, and presentation skills are all very important.

Time management: We live in times when multi-tasking is required from every professional. To execute the given tasks effectively, time management is key. Plan, prioritise, organise and set your goals properly.

Teamwork: You cannot do everything alone, you must know how to delegate work to your team in order to get the best results.

Teamwork skills like proper delegation, coordination, cross-idea innovation, collaboration, and overall management for fewer disputes are required in every profession.

Corporate etiquette: You are expected to have knowledge of some basic corporate etiquette like how to exchange business cards, how to present yourself at a meeting, how to meet and greet people, power dressing, how to dine in a professional environment, and much more.

A professional must focus on these skills because they speak a lot about someone's personality.

Leadership skills: Qualities like generosity, management skills, confidence, integrity, decisiveness, and problem-solving are very important to have to survive in the professional world.

No matter what stage of your profession you are at, you must possess these skills or should be keen to learn them.

Crisis management: There isn't any profession in this world in which you won't have to face a crisis and to be able to resolve those crises effectively in a way that does not impact your work life is a skill to possess.

Prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery are stages of crisis management and your CV should speak loudly of how you are capable of handling any stressful situation at work.

Impersonal skills: Sharing, active listening, respecting personal space, and empathising are some of the interpersonal skills an employee is expected to have.

Nobody wants to hire an employee who is self-absorbed or self-centric, your CV should state how you have used interpersonal skills to give better performance at work.

Positivity: Only a positive work environment can yield good results and positivity has to come from the people of an organisation.

Ensure you learn how to exude positive vibes even in the most difficult circumstances and how to negate negativity at work. In your CV, mention how your work has contributed in a positive way to the company's growth.

"State your Soft skills through some experiences you garnered at work or internship and support them with a quantifying approach.

For example: Led a team of 100 employees to execute a survey on corruption in the real estate sector or Collaborated and coordinated with employees of XYZ company to execute due diligence of over 100 lease agreements." Apoorvaa adds.

This article was originally published on IOL.

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