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Man Candy Monday

If there was ever a reason to see The Lion King, it’s Andile Gumbi – the 31-year-old actor, dancer, singer and model who’s best known for playing the adult lion Simba in the long-running musical. Don’t worry though – if you’ve missed it, you can still see this Durban-born hunk performing the title role in iconic South African musical  King Kong, running from 12 September to 8 October at the Mandela Theatre in Johannesburg! Find out more about him here:

What would you say is your best attribute, and why?

I’d have to say my best attribute is my easy-going nature and my calm personality. I try to use both to the best of my ability and advantage, especially when it comes to my professional life.   

Who inspires you?

Two people come to mind right now – my mother and my fiancée. They are the hardest working people I’ve ever met, and I hope to be equally inspiring to my son one day.  

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

Wow! Well, I’m a lover of live jazz music, so it would have to be a nice peaceful evening at a restaurant listening to some smooth jazz.

What’s your favourite drink?

Bourbon. Good old Jack Daniels.

What fills the spot at the top of your dream destination list?

To one day own run my own production company and create my own work, which is something I’m currently busy with.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to past relationships?

There will always be some regrets that one will have with regards to previous relationships, but the important thing is finding and learning the lessons necessary to make sure you avoid those mistakes in future.

Who is your style icon?

I don’t necessarily have a style icon. I like what works for me, my look and my body. I do like suits and jackets. If I had all the money in the world, I would invest in suits, jackets and shoes. LOTS of suits, jackets and shoes.

Who is your WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday)?

Firstly, I would just like to say my Woman Crush Everyday is my fiancée. I love you, baby. But for a Woman Crush Wednesday, I’d have to say Rihanna!

Wait, there’s more! Click  here for more man candy hotness.

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