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Man Candy Monday

Graeme Richards isn’t a new face in the South African entertainment industry. The gorgeous multi-talented man has graced our TV screens for years – and we thank him for that! But there’s more to Graeme than meets the eye. Few may know that he’s just as talented behind the scenes, with extensive experience in scriptwriting and copywriting as well.

GLAMOUR caught up with Graeme to find out more about his life when he isn’t playing hot model, or continuing his journey to becoming a media mogul.

What would you say is your best attribute?

My laugh or my positivity in general… you’d be amazed at how often I get recognised when I laugh 😉

Who and/or what inspires you?

Not to feed the cliché, but it has to be sport! I’m constantly blown away by its power to transform. I’ve also been lucky enough to be surrounded by incredible women who still drive me to be a better man. And if I have to be selfish: put me on a mountain trail… allow me to run as free as a bird and I’m totally inspired!

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

I’m lucky enough to have the resources and connections to pull off some pretty cool date ideas so the novelty might have worn off a little! I’ve found the best dates are generally those that turn out completely unexpectedly – nothing will both test your compatibility and form a bond like a shared new experience or even misadventure 😉

What fills the spot at the top of your dream destination list?

Trail running through a rain forest in Machu Picchu, Peru.

What’s your favourite drink?


Do you have any regrets when it comes to past relationships?

Not anymore. I wouldn’t be the man I am in relationships now without every lesson along the way. Thank you, ladies.

What are you reading at the moment?

The Future of God: A Practical Approach to Spirituality for Our Times by Deepak Chopra, and Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World  by Haruki Murakami.

Keep up with Graeme on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Wait, there’s more! Click here for more man candy hotness.

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