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Man Candy Monday

Feeling cold and gloomy in this winter weather? Don’t worry,, our Man Candy will definitely heat things up! Meet student, surfer and all round Iron Man; Joshua Eady.

On weekends when he’s not shooting major ad campaigns with giant brands such as Woolworths, you can catch him at the gym training and pumping iron in the morning then hit the beach later in the day for a quick surf and swim (when the weather allows of course). Gym is an everyday love of Joshua’s, he calls it his focal point.

Joshua is a advertising and marketing student and he’s currently working on lifestyle videos which he’s shooting all over Cape Town. He wants to capture the beauty of this city and even though its not easy translating reality onto a camera, he’s up for the challenge to show off the authenticity of the amazing country we live in. In the next few years he hopes to have completed his studies and travel the world. He also wants to follow through on his acting and film interests as it’s always been a dream of his.

When asked what advice he would give young male models looking to make it in the industry, he gave such a spirited response, “The best advice would be to focus on 2 major aspects, self-improvement and willingness. The passion and willingness to succeed, the drive to continuously better oneself truly inspires me,” he says. “Staying humble and being able to constantly learn from your decisions is a major asset in your career, the moment you get comfortable you start missing out on opportunities to better yourself.”

Wise words Josh.

Joshua is represented by Full Circle Model Management

Need to turn up the heat? Last week’s Man Candy will warm things up!

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