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Man Candy Monday

Dreamy eyes? Check. A charming smile? Check. A body to die for? Double check! Meet Chad Phillips; a passionate actor, versatile model, innovative entrepreneur and most importantly, thee most beautiful bearded man we have ever seen!

Born and bred in Cape Town, Chad left for London after high school to pursue his passion for acting and enrolled at the very prestigious London School of Dramatic Arts. Upon returning to South Africa, he scored roles in international feature films, commercials, re-enactment pieces, stills and numerous music videos. He’s even featured in a two-part television film called  Women in Love that stars gorgeous British actress Rosamund Pike.

He spends time with friends and people in the industry creating, writing and putting projects together, “I am an extremely passionate individual who like most people want the best for themselves and those around them,” he says.

In his spare time, Chad loves taking long walks on the beach, practising yoga, listening to music and watching movies. The time he treasures most is the time he spends with his son Orion who just turned two. Well, if Orion looks anything like his daddy when he grows up, he’s definitely going to break a few hearts in the future. Another special person in his life is his girlfriend who’s apparently just as big of a fan of his beard as the rest of us are. “She’s my rock, she keeps me focused and grounded,” he says (cute). She’s one lucky lady!

Below is a video of Chad removing his beloved beard for a role:

Chad is represented by  Full Circle Model Management

Need to turn up the heat? Last week’s Man Candy will warm things up!

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