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Ice Tropez launches refreshing new look

Ice Tropez launches new look just in time for GLAMOUR’s Women of the Year Awards 2022.

SA’s first wine cocktail landed from the shores of the French Riviera in 2010, and over a decade later, the brand has been cemented in the lifestyle of trendsetters across the country.

Icetropez has been an essential part of the memories and special moments between friends, followers, and fans.

Now, the brand has reinvented itself with a refreshed new look. The new Icetropez bottle retains the iconic shape that was introduced by the renowned French designer, Christophe Pillet.

The brand has evolved with a new peach-coloured cap and a white logo embossed on the bottle, reflecting the world-famous white sandy beaches of St Tropez.

The new-look bottle and packaging are intended to bring more of the “joie de vivre” of the brand’s hometown, reflected not only in every sip but in its look too.

“Our new look bottle is the start of a new era for the brand. We have a few exciting launches coming up this year and the launch of our new look bottle is a sign of what’s to come” says icetropez Marketing Manager Keyler Valiatham.

Glamour is excited to have icetropez as a supporting partner at our 2022 Women of the Year (WOTY) Awards on 19 November. With their refreshed new look, icetropez will bring the “joie de vivre” to a night of glitz and glam as we celebrate phenomenal women who are change-makers, trendsetters and pioneers in their respective fields.

Follow icetropez on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or visit the Facebook page, and join the WOTY conversation #GLAMWOTY22 #WOTYxTres.

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Twitter: @Glamour_SA

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