more/glams-most-glamGLAMOUR’s Most GLAMOURous: What does glamour mean to you?You’ve met all our fabulous winners of GLAMOUR’s Most GLAMOURous 2016, now find out what ‘glamour’ means to them: For even more GLAMOUR’s Most GLAMOUROUS, click here. SubscribeShare this article:ShareTweetShareShareEmailYou might also likeChâteau Gâteaux partners with GLAMOUR for the Galentine’s eventPortia M partners with GLAMOUR for the Galentine’s eventSeasoned broadcaster, actress and fashionista Nomalanga Shozi to host GLAMOUR's Galentine's eventWomen’Secret partners with GLAMOUR for the Galentine’s eventIce Tropez partners with GLAMOUR for the Galentine’s eventThrowback to our 2024 inaugural Galentine's eventBenefit Cosmetics partners with GLAMOUR for Galentine’s eventGLAMOUR Summer Party: Here’s everything you can expect at the event