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Woman in Charge: Specialist Anaesthesiologist Dr. Mmekera Patience Ntshani

Dr. Mmekera Patience Ntshani, lovingly known as “Dr Pashy” is a distinguished South African Specialist anaesthesiologist who is renowned for her cardiothoracic, cardiology, neurovascular, and vascular surgery expertise, with an emphasis on high-risk surgeries and intensive care unit patients. Born in the rural village of Botlokwa, Limpopo, her journey from humble beginnings to becoming one of the most influential medical professionals in our country is a testament to her determination and commitment to excellence.

Dr Pashy’s early life was characterised by hardship and poverty, yet despite these challenges, she realised the transformative power of education at a very young age. Throughout her career, Dr. Pashy has garnered a reputation for her expertise, and her contributions to the medical field have made her a respected figure in South Africa and internationally.

Dr. Pashy in a bright African print dress, Image: Supplied

“My professional path as a Specialist Anaesthesiologist, particularly in the highly demanding fields of cardiothoracic, neuro, and vascular surgery, has been one of dedication, sacrifice, and an unyielding commitment to the well-being of my patients. Medicine is not just a career; it is a calling—a profound responsibility to use my skills and knowledge to alleviate suffering and improve the quality of life for those I serve”, shared Dr. Pashy.

As a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and advocate for women’s empowerment, her commitment to giving back to her community is exemplified by the establishment of the Dr. Pashy Foundation, which focuses on critical areas such as education, nutrition, poverty alleviation, and youth empowerment. Dr. Pashy has launched several initiatives through the foundation, including providing bursaries to deserving students, organising empowerment seminars, and conducting agricultural campaigns to combat malnutrition in rural areas.

The Dr. Pashy Foundation team, Image: Supplied

Tell us a bit more about the Dr. Pashy Foundation and what it has to offer

Dr. Pashy: The vision of the foundation was to be one of the leading agents for social change and development focusing on education, health, poverty, alleviation, as well as empowerment. I have two campaigns. Firstly the closet campaign. I realized that I have a large social media following so how do I use this to do something for the people? I started advertising that people donate clothes they are not using anymore. We then pack them nicely, go to orphanages, and then they provide a list of girls and boys with their sizes. We then package the clothes and give them that.

Secondly, one that I'm very passionate about is agriculture. So agriculture is at the centre of what I do. We would go to different communities to teach the orphans, be it girls or boys, to teach them how to plant and nurture their own vegetables so that they have this sustainable fresh produce. Malnutrition is one of the five leading causes of death in communities, so I am trying to combat that. We are lucky enough to receive donations of seeds, soil, and more.

Dr. Pashy is agriculturally involved, Image: Supplied

In addition to these efforts, Dr. Pashy is the driving force behind the “Power Women” brand, a global initiative dedicated to uplifting and empowering women. The brand seeks to create a platform where women can share their stories, inspire each other, and work together to overcome challenges in various spheres of life.

How did Power Women come about?

Dr. Pashy: Power Women is something that is very close to my heart. I think it's a combination of my life story. It was best in response to the need for positive female-centred spaces and to create a safe spaces where women can actually connect through issues that we're facing as women, and to empower them to give women tools to actually survive. As women, we need those safe spaces as well and I believe that an empowered woman has the ability to claim their right as a decision-maker. I also believe that every woman has the right to equality and dignity. I want to use the empowerment platforms as one of those tools to significantly contribute to the vision of the world.

The “Dr. Pashy” brand is built on a foundation of excellence, resilience, and a deep commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. The brand is further Rooted in her remarkable journey from a rural village to becoming a prominent figure in medicine and social advocacy. The brand envisions a world where every individual, regardless of their background, has access to the opportunities and support needed to succeed in their chosen fields because she believes excellence is the pathway to making dreams come true.

Building your own personal brand is not always smooth sailing. What challenges or obstacles have you faced along the way and how did you overcome that?

Dr. Pashy: Building a personal brand is something I somehow mastered throughout my career. Along my journey I mastered the art of using my calling in medicine to step into my purpose of saving humanity, holistically and in doing that stepped into this space of empowerment into the space of engaging with people which had its own challenges because there's a lot, when you are in the public domain, everyone gets to have an opinion of you.

It's like they are constantly waiting for something that they can use against you. So you need to understand that as a person who's progressively building themselves, there'll be a lot of stones and a lot of attacks. The secret is knowing yourself and being deeply rooted in your authenticity and your purpose.

Dr. Pashy believes in authenticity and knowing your purpose, Image: Supplied

The Dr. Pashy brand stands as a symbol of hope, strength, and transformation. By embodying the values of resilience, excellence, and empowerment, the brand has made a significant impact on countless lives, particularly in marginalised and rural communities. Dr. Pashy’s story, from overcoming poverty to becoming a leading medical professional and advocate, continues to inspire and empower others to pursue their dreams and contribute positively to society.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

Dr. Pashy: I want to be remembered as a woman whose life brought value to humanity. All the lives that I have saved. It's proof that I lived and all the people that I have inspired, there are so many people who have literally gone back to school just by, coming in contact with me, be it through social media or through the woman empowerment events and they made the decision about their lives, about going back to school to pursue their dream careers.

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