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Man Candy Monday

Miles Chamley-Watson was born in London, UK, and moved to the US when he was nine. As a schoolkid in New York City, he was introduced to the niche sport of fencing. He took to fencing right away, winning the Junior Olympics at age 13, a glimpse at what was to come later in life. After high school, he scored a full-ride fencing scholarship to Penn State, where he was a four-time All American who majored in sports management, and then he began to dominate the international fencing scene. Get to know this hunk on a  more personal level here.

What would you say is your best attribute, and why?

I would say that my best attribute is the ability to make everyone know who I am the minute I walk into the room. I’m a funny guy, hardest worker in the room. I have always taught to be nice and kind to everyone no matter the social setting.

Who or what inspires you?

To be honest I am so inspired by anyone from an 8-year-old kid at my club who tells me they idolize me or to Bruce Lee, or to my friends. My family are always inspiring. We have always instilled a hard-working ethic since a young boy. I am inspired by few athletes Conor Mcgregor, my good friend Cam Newton to name a few.

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

The idea of a perfect date would be skydiving into a private island, where we are served Nandos, Guinness on tap, barrels of tequila and endless amounts of sour candy.

What’s your favourite drink?

Red Bull obviously! Love it for early mornings, travelling/jet-lag, and training sessions. I’m a London Boy, so I also love me a cold pint. Whisky, tequila and Guinness are also my favourites.

What fills the spot at the top of your dream destination list?

I would love to go to Bali.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to past relationships?

Nope, ZERO. I always find something positive out of a relationship.

Who is your style icon?

Honestly, I do not have a style Icon at all.

But I really like David Beckham, my boy Sung Jin Park and everyone in Peaky Blinders.

Who is your WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday)?

Ummm…Chelsea Handler, Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lawrence haha.

Wait, there’s more! Click  here for more man candy hotness.

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