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Man Candy Monday

Photography: Red Bull

Meet Aaron Hadlow, a 29-year-old pro-kite surfer who hails from England. He is currently based in Cape Town to take part in this year’s Red Bull King of the Air 2018 competition. Under the guidance of his dad – one of the UK’s first kite surfers, Aaron discovered his passion for watersports and hasn’t stopped ever since. Get to know Aaron a little better here!

What would you say is your best attribute, and why?

I’m quite calculated so that helps me with the sport that I do. I know when to push the limit, and when to hold back; which helps me in the competitions.

Who or what inspires you?

There’s no one in particular who inspires me, but I’ve always looked up to and found inspirational people who’ve excelled in what they do.

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

I have a girlfriend now and we are quite reserved, but we enjoy travelling. We came out to Cape Town on New Year’s Eve, so we spent New Years on the plane. The perfect date could actually be anything, but we both enjoy sports.

Photography: Red Bull

What’s your favourite drink?

Tea. The first thing I do every morning is, walk to the kettle and put the water on. My favourite type is probably Yorkshire Tea, and I also enjoy Tetley tea.

What fills the spot at the top of your dream destination list?

I really want to go to Japan. It’s somewhere that is quite off the radar for kiteboarding, and it’s so unique.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to past relationships?

Not really. Because of the kitesurfing lifestyle a relationship either works or it doesn’t. You have to find the right person who can handle your lifestyle because you’re on the road a lot.

Photography: Red Bull

Who is your style icon?

I don’t really have one.  I receive a lot of sponsored clothes so I don’t really think about that stuff. If I had to pick out a suit, I would need someone to tell me what looks good.

Who is your WCW?

My girlfriend.

Wait, there’s more! Click  here for more man candy hotness.

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