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Man Candy Monday

Quentin Thrash, better known as Stayfly Thrash, is wowing the fashion world, one suit at a time. Here’s how he became one of the most stylish men around. Self-described ‘Sartorial Rockstar’, from a conservative small town in Georgia, US. Style wasn’t an interest until a ‘drug-dealing uncle’ unintentionally sparked his passion. “My art lies in being able to mould those worlds together, so they make sense.” Can’t get enough of Stayfly Thrash? Be sure to get your hands on our Jan/Feb issue to find out Thrash’s entire story as well as his key fashion tips!

What would you say is your best attribute, and why?

My best attribute is being able to connect with women on a deeper level as far as the cosmetics side of things. Like I’m still a very manly man but at the same time, I can still relate to women about hairstyles and clothing. So I think women get the best of both worlds with me.

Who or what inspires you?

If I was to say who, Ralph Lauren is my favourite designer and that’s because of his timeless style which is exactly what my style is about. Even though the way I dress is very bold if you look at the details of what I wear everything is very classic.

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

I’m a very simple guy, I wish I could say I’m more romantic than I am but I’m not going to fabricate it. But I love taking a long walk on the beach at night. As cliche as it sounds. But its the perfect setting to really get to know someone with no distractions.

What’s your favourite drink?

Since I’m from the South, Kool-Aid is a big thing for me because its what I was raised on and just takes me back to my childhood.

What fills the spot at the top of your dream destination list?

I really want to live in London for a while and that’s strictly because if Saville Row and the history of menswear and I’m so inspired by the men’s effortless style there from the younger people to the older ones.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to past relationships?

Sometimes I regret letting so much of my career get in the way of my relationships.

Who is your style icon?

My style icon is Kanye West, BUT it’s not more so about the way he dresses but more about the way he made it cool for a young black guy to be into art and fashion. He made it cool to not be afraid to step out of the box and that’s why I’m inspired by him.

Who is your WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday)?

Cassie, I’ve seen her perform a few times and in person shes even more beautiful!

Wait, there’s more! Click  here for more man candy hotness.

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