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Man Candy Monday

Rubber Duc is a fresh and unique band that hatched in 2013. Nick Jordaan, Brendan Campbell, Sheldon Sham and Amiel Gopal’s sound is unique, feel-good and a “duckload” of fun! Rubber Duc brings something fresh and unique to the South African music scene – the melodies are catchy and upbeat and the lyrics are nostalgic and clever! Whether performing original material, covers, or poking fun at the world around us, their live performances are a guaranteed quacking good time! This year at Rocking the Daisies we caught up the the guys to find out what really ruffles their feathers:

What would you say is your best attribute? Why?

Nick: I used to have a really luscious moustache but unfortunately I had to shave it off for a music video but I would say my moustache is and was my best attribute.

Brendan: I own a recording studio so all the sounds that come from the group are made there so I’m really proud of that and would say that is my most valuable attribute.

Who and/or what inspires you? Why?

Amiel: My dad inspires me, my dad has always pushed me to be the best version of myself and luckily music has helped me to do that so I’m very grateful for my dad.

Nick: There’s a guy from a band called Bon Iver and his name is Justin Vernon and he is my ultimate music idol. As a song writer I learn a lot from what he does when it comes to lyrics, content and melody and has helped me a lot in my music career.

Brendan: One of the best concerts I ever had the pleasure of going to was Mumford and Sons and as a band and as performers, the way they pull off their songs on stage is really inspiring.

What’s your idea of a perfect date? 

Amiel: beautiful place, good food and just the two of us enjoying each others company.

Nick: I believe that girls deserve to be spoilt and I know my girlfriend loves what I do as a profession, she loves hearing me sing so I would set up a romantic little spot and perform a song I’ve written for her.

Brendan: Because of our profession, performing at festivals is always quite loud so i think a quiet, intimate date where we can just get to know one another would be my ideal date.

What’s your favourite drink and why?

Amiel: I love coffee.

Nick: I love a steel worx after a round of golf.

Brendan: We drink a lot of gin as a band so that would have to be my favourite drink.

What fills the spot at the top of your dream destination list?

Amiel: The red rock venue in the states, it’s the most amazing natural amphitheater with the most amazing scenery, so I would love to be able to perform there.

Nick: I’ve always wanted to go on a holiday where I don’t know where I’m going.

Brendan: I would love to do a scuba diving trip in Malaysia!

Who is your WCW and w hy?

Amiel: I would say right now, Alicia Keys

Nick: Because I’m not allowed to say my girlfriend because that would be boring, I have to say my WCW is Alicia Cuthbert. She was in a movie called The Girl Next Door and I remember watching it when I was very young and I absolutely fell in love!

Brendan: Because of the time period I grew up in, and I love the Transformers movies, I would have to say Megan Fox.

Wait, there’s more! Click  here for more man candy hotness.

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