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Man Candy Monday

TiMO ODV has gone from being a relatively unknown producer from the East Rand to a chart-topping star. A genre-bending artist with a voice many would kill for, he’s also an artist that the ladies love! Here our Man Candy Monday pick lets us in on what lies behind the music.

What would you say is your best attribute, and why?

I don’t like complimenting myself, so I don’t think of things like that, haha! Maybe that’s a good attribute in itself.

Who or what inspires you?

People – all sorts of people from everywhere, and everyone I meet. It can be the smile on a cleaner’s face or the guys that collect the trash. There’s always something to learn from everyone.

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

Get dressed up, feel good, take her to some new restaurant I haven’t tried before, order a bunch of different food and experience something new together.

  What’s your favourite drink?

Tea – of all sorts, just not green tea.

What fills the spot at the top of your dream destination list?

The Berghain nightclub in Berlin.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to past relationships?

I should have ended them sooner. Sometimes you’re scared to go through the pain, so you just linger, but if something doesn’t work, then cut your losses and move on.

Who is your style icon?

Anyone who isn’t scared to just dress wild and not care what people think.

Who is your WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday)?

I’d say Zooey Deschanel.

Wait, there’s more! Click  here for more man candy hotness.

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