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GLAMOUR Women’s Month Series: Getting to know Nono Skosana

Maureen ‘Nono’ Skosana is the brains behind Nono Events, the decor specialists disrupting the social scene. Together with her dream team, they transform weddings, corporates and parties into a memorable affair.

Glamour: What does women's month mean to you?

Nono: I would say it is a month in the year where women are celebrated for their immense contribution and hard work

Glamour: Why is it important to celebrate the women of South Africa?

Nono: Women should be celebrated across the hemisphere, not just in SA. But if we were to just focus on women in our country, I would say they played a big role in the liberation of our country and still play a big role in job creation which in turn also assists in the growth of our country’s economy.

Glamour: What inspires you to be successful?

Nono: Seeing the big part that I play in job creation melts my heart.

Glamour: What do you think is the most significant barrier to female success?

Nono: I would say there are still those industries that are still heavily male dominated and breaking into those is still a challenge, however bit by bit we will get there.

Glamour: Your biggest motivation?

Nono: My family

Glamour: What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

Nono: The sky is the limit. What ever you can dream you can do!

Glamour: Which women are on your radar and why?

Nono: There’s a lot of them and it would be injustice to name a few. I’m lucky to be surrounded by amazing successful women who inspire and keeps me grounded.

Glamour: What’s your message to women in business?

Nono: Never give up. Nothing comes easy.

Glamour: How are you celebrating women’s month?

Nono: By working harder and making sure that I turn my dreams into a reality. I aim to inspire and empower my daughters and nieces, as well as the young women around me, to follow their passions and to treat every obstacle as a learning curve rather than a barrier.

Glamour: Your favourite beauty moment OR The best advice you’ve received to date and from who?

Nono: You can become anything you want in life - my late grandmother

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