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Media personality Kriya Gangiah shares her mental health checklist

Checking in with ourselves should become part of our daily routine.

I’m sure we are all guilty of neglecting our emotional and mental health at some point over the past two years. There’s so much to keep up with and contend with on a daily basis at work, on the home front and in your social life. Perhaps recently you have judged yourself a bit too harshly for making a simple mistake or haven’t given yourself time to actually feel and work through your emotions completely.

Either way, sometimes it’s best to slow down, re-evaluate and be kinder to ourselves. Below, radio and television personality Kriya Gangiah has shared five tips that help her get through tough times. Take a look.

Do something for someone else

I recently worked with my family and communities around Gauteng to collect food donations for people affected by the unrest around KZN. Working with other individuals with the goal of helping people made me see that there is positivity around us. Even if you may not have much you can still make a difference in someone else’s life.

Take a day off from social media

The more time I spent on social media the more depressed I was becoming. Seeing images of the chaos mixed between the narcissistic way in which people portray their “perfect” Instagram lives was really starting to affect me. Taking a day really helped clear my mind and find a little bit of clarity.

Try something creative

Being creative doesn't always have to be about making something but it will help convert your energy into something that you enjoy. You can bake, rearrange the furniture or plant a tree. Anything that is different from your everyday norm.

Pamper yourself

Do something that makes you feel good. Paint your nails, take a long bath, or do a face mask. You can even meditate for a while.

Reach out

We are not alone in this. Most people are experiencing the same feelings that you are. Give a friend or family member a buzz and just catch up. You never know they might need it as well. Remember, if you are struggling right now and don’t have anyone you feel you can share your thoughts and feelings with, organisations like SADAG offer free counselling sessions. You can contact them on 0800 456 789 or visit for more info.

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