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13 things you know if you’re seriously tall

In theory, you save cash because designer stuff doesn’t fit; in reality, you’ve spent it all on bags.

1. Clarks doing the best size 9s almost makes up for not being able to get Magic Steps in your size (28 years on, still bitter)


2. You’re the only person in your Pilates class who can’t touch their toes and it drives you INSANE (you have 36in legs, it’s fine, breathe, let it go.)

3) You’ve never modelled or played basketball but still get asked this enough to wonder if you might secretly be Karlie Kloss.

4) Men sometimes whisper, “YOU’RE TALL” as they pass you, and won’t stop staring. Is this what being a Kardashian’s like?

5) Nothing stresses you out like fighting for 

6) If you could ban one thing, it would be marketing emails that start: “Hi, leggy lovelies!!!”

7) Your hair gets sucked into the Tube carriage ceiling fans at least once every summer #FML

8) Your height acts as an Idiot Detection Device on dates (stand up: then if he looks horrified, smile and leave).

9) Nothing – not socks, not boots – has ever knowingly gone over your knee.

10) In theory, you save cash because designer stuff doesn’t fit; in reality, you’ve spent it all on bags.

11) When you meet another girl’s eyeline at a party, you both freeze because this never, 

12) …but if you’d passed her on your commute, you’d exchange the Tall-Girl Look of quiet approval.

13) You wouldn’t change your height for the world. Well, you might for some perfect-fitting trousers.

Taken from GLAMOUR UK. Read the original  here.

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