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GLAM Chat: Bianca La Grange

Bianca La Grange has stolen the hearts of many with her appearance in our very first season of Idols, but since then she has rubbed shoulders with Alicia Keys, changed lives with charity events and this June, she’ll be finding herself on the Artscape Stage in the musical, West Side Story. Here the beautiful Bianca shares all!

GLAMOUR: When did your love for music begin?

Bianca: I would say that music was always a part of life. My mom was a music teacher. She played the organ in church and would lay me on her lap to accompany the choir and mom says I would be humming and singing along. 

GLAMOUR: When did you first decide to become a performer?

Bianca: I’ve been performing since I was 6 years old. It’s all I ever wanted to do. So from a very young age I knew I would be on a stage. I would take every opportunity awarded to me from singing at weddings and funerals to friends birthdays and family gatherings.

GLAMOUR: If you never became a performer, what do you think you’d be doing today?

Bianca: I would be a teacher, teaching performance art.

GLAMOUR: What failures or difficulties have you had in your career or life in general?

Bianca: Not reading contracts and knowing where your signed copy is. This was a huge setback in my career. BUT…

Failures are their to teach us, my challenging moments in life and my career has always taught me get up and try again. Cry, wipe your tears and start over. I still get challenged and people think: “You’re famous, so you must be rich now” or  “you’ve been exposed, so do it free for the community”. But people don’t realise that I still get rejected. I still get disappointed. I still have to try hard, be better and always ready for anything. Opportunities are not just given to you. Sometimes you have create those opportunities. Biggest lesson I ever had to learn was that you never know who someone might become. Don’t be a diva to the runner of the festival, because he could turn out the promoter of the festival in the end. Treat people the way you would want to be treated.

GLAMOUR: How did you bounce back from these setbacks?

Bianca: You learn from your mistakes, you swallow your pride and then you humble yourself and try again.

GLAMOUR: What has been your most memorable performance so far?

Bianca: The first time the top 12 Idols2002 season 1 sang for an audience of 25 thousand people at the dome in Northgate, Johannesburg. I cried seeing the crowd. I was so nerves 

GLAMOUR: What was it like to be a finalist on Idols?

Bianca: I enjoyed doing Idols I still watch every year and vote and see who the new talents they will be  putting through those gruelling auditions. My Idols experience was bitter and sweet. I got a lot of exposure it open many doors for me. From being a presenter on TV to being an actress. People still after 13 years refer to me as the girl who did idols.

GLAMOUR: What has been the biggest professional highlight in your career so far?

Bianca: Meeting Nelson Mandela and singing for his first 46664 concert with Usher, Alicia keys and P Diddy.

GLAMOUR: How do you find time for all the things you do right now?

Bianca: I don’t say yes to every event and job. I choose what is beneficial for my career as well as my purpose. 

GLAMOUR: Tell us about your role in the upcoming stage musical, West Side Story?

Bianca: Anita and Maria are dear friends who confide in each other. Two strong women who know what they want and aren’t afraid to speak their minds. Anita is opinionated, savvy, charismatic and flamboyant (and my favourite character!). Outgoing and gregarious, she wears colourful frocks. I can’t wait to play this character!

GLAMOUR: How are you preparing for the role right now?

Bianca: Gym everyday with contemporary dance class twice a week. I’ve also seen every YouTube video and watched the film 10 times.  

GLAMOUR: What do you love about this musical?

Bianca: I love everything that the thrilling, high energy actors have to bring to their performances! The dancing! And the powerful plot! Its got terrific songs and I’m a sucker for a good love story.

GLAMOUR: Do you have any dream roles you’d like to play in the future?

Bianca: I’ d love to play Velma Kelly in Chicago. She is flashiest and most fun character. She’s a diva who loves fame and she sings the best musical numbers! I mean who wouldn’t want to sing the famous song: ‘All that Jazz’? It’s soooo sexy! 

GLAMOUR: Any big plans for 2015 and beyond?

I would love to nail my character as Anita. I’ll also be getting married this year so my biggest dream is to have a special day with family and close friends. 

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