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Former Broadcaster and Mental Fitness Expert, Zuraida Jardine on pivoting, turning 50 and her approach to wellness

After decades in broadcasting, Zuraida Jardine made a conscious pivot to explore her passion for human behavior and psychology, guided by a deep desire to empower others. 

As she embraces the milestone of turning 50, she shares how her media experience shaped her approach to business and life, the challenges of career reinvention, and the importance of mental and physical wellness. From mindfulness practices to self-compassion, Zuraida reveals how these tools have helped her thrive in both her personal and professional life. With wisdom gained through years of evolution, her story is a testament to the power of reinvention, lifelong learning, and living authentically at any age.

Glamour: You’ve had a notable career in the media industry. What led you to pivot to new pursuits?

Zuraida: The shift was the most natural progression for me. After having children, I found myself reflecting on my own childhood and the legacy of my ancestral lineage. As I became a more conscious parent, I began to explore my curiosity around human behaviour and psychology. This led me down a path of self-discovery, and as I embraced this new journey, I found a deep calling to help others understand themselves better and live more empowered lives. It was as if the universe gently nudged me in the direction I was meant to go.

Glamour: What were some of the most challenging aspects of transitioning from media into your current endeavours?

Zuraida: I wouldn’t describe the transition as difficult, but I did experience a significant shift in mindset. I realised that to truly make a difference in the lives of the people I work with, I needed to be consistently engaged with my own growth and blind spots. I’ve always had a natural gift for connecting with people, which served me well in broadcasting, and that same ability to build rapport is a key element of my current work. In both fields, the heart of the matter is connection. Without it, nothing else really matters.

Glamour: How did your experience in media shape your current perspective and approach to business and life?

Zuraida: Media gave me the gift of confidence, but it also laid the foundation for my mental fitness practice. In the media world, the show must go on, no matter what. Even on days when you’re feeling drained or overwhelmed, you have to show up and give 100%. It taught me resilience and how to put my own story on hold to hold space for others. Over time, I learned that tools like meditation, breathwork, and stillness were crucial to maintain balance and mental clarity.

Glamour: Were there any key moments or realisations that helped you decide it was time for a change?

Zuraida: The turning point came after a vivid dream one Sunday. I woke up with the strong sense that I needed to study psychology. When I googled “what is psychology” and saw that it’s described as the “study of the soul,” it felt like a powerful message, one that hit me deep in my gut. At that moment, I knew I was on the brink of something new, an adventure I had to take. I felt ready to evolve with the changing media landscape that was evolving too, so I stepped away and followed my calling.

Glamour: What advice would you give to others considering a major career shift, especially those who have been in one industry for a long time?

Zuraida: The greatest advice I can give is to remember that we only have one life. We aren’t meant to live by other people’s expectations, but rather by our own inner truth. The notion that you must stick with one career for life is outdated. We are multi-faceted, multi-talented, and multi-passionate beings, so why limit yourself to just one thing? You have the power to create a career that is in alignment with your passions and desires. Don’t let fear or judgment hold you back from exploring new paths.

On Wellness…

Glamour: Wellness seems to be a core focus of yours now how do you define wellness and what does it mean in your life?

Zuraida: Wellness, to me, represents a sense of wholeness. It’s not just about one thing, it's the foundation of many elements that contribute to our wellbeing. It’s when those pillars of nutritious food, movement, quality sleep, strong relationships, self-awareness, and relaxation are in place, that we begin to feel truly balanced. Of course, life can be chaotic and not every pillar will always be standing strong, but when most of them are, we can experience a deep sense of contentment, and even happiness. Wellness, in my life, is about creating a space where I am always inspired to flourish.

Glamour: What practices or routines have you adopted that have had the biggest positive impact on your physical and mental wellbeing?

Zuraida: Without a doubt, the most impactful practice I’ve adopted is carving out “me-time.” This is my time to move, take walks in solitude, enjoy sleep, and nourish my body with foods that feel like medicine. I intentionally surround myself with supportive people, my girlfriends especially, who uplift me. I also prioritise practices like meditation, journaling, visualising my goals, and mentally rehearsing them coming to life. A mindset of growth and openness to being wrong is crucial to my evolution. Compassion for others and for myself has been a game changer.

Glamour: How do you balance your wellness journey with the demands of your professional life?

Zuraida: My husband and I have always supported one another to live fully and authentically. There’s an understanding that life isn’t always a perfect 50/50 split. Sometimes one of us has to give more, and other times, it’s the other person’s turn. I’ve learned the importance of asking for help, especially from my close friends. In the past, I would hesitate to ask for support, worried about looking like I didn’t have it all together. But true connection means having people you can rely on, just as you would with family. Life is too short to pretend we don’t need help.

Glamour: What role does mindfulness play in your daily routine, and how do you stay grounded amidst the busyness of life?

Zuraida: Mindfulness is truly woven into every part of my life now. My day starts with meditation and breathwork to still my mind and set intentions for the day ahead. I always make time to journal and reflect, and at the end of each day, I fall asleep with gratitude. Even if I’ve had a challenging day, I make a point of finding at least one good thing to take away from it. Challenges are opportunities for growth, and every moment holds valuable feedback that can lead to positive change.

Glamour: Have there been any personal wellness challenges you’ve had to overcome, and how did you navigate them?

Zuraida: I don’t feel there’s one particular challenge that stands out, but I do believe that navigating life’s ups and downs requires constant awareness. It’s about tuning into your body, your emotions, and your mind, and being honest with yourself about what you need. The process of self-awareness and taking care of your mental, emotional and physical needs is an ongoing journey, one that requires compassion, patience, and understanding.

On Turning 50...

Glamour: Turning 50 is often seen as a milestone. How are you celebrating this new chapter in your life?

Zuraida: I’m celebrating this milestone with deep gratitude for the privilege of time. My father passed away young, and I know too many others who haven’t had the chance to experience the fullness of life. With each year, I feel more aware of how precious time truly is. Turning 50 feels like a reawakening to the excitement and possibilities of life. I’ve been studying various fields like psychology, neuroscience, and mindfulness-based interventions for the past 10 years, and now, I’m applying everything I’ve learned through my digital educational programs. I feel like I’m stepping into the most magnificent chapter of my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Glamour: What are some of the key lessons you’ve learned over the years that have shaped who you are today?


  You are the one who will save you.

  You are responsible for everything that goes right in your life, and also for what goes wrong. 

  Growth is hard. Choose your hard. 

  Others can only meet you as far as you’ve met yourself. 

  Faith and fear are both future-based emotions. You get to choose which one you give your focus to. 

  Focus on what’s right in your life and in others, not on what’s wrong. 

  Your children will grow up and live their own lives—make sure you have one too. 

  Lifelong learning is not just an option; it’s a necessity. Stay curious, stay growing. 

  The most important relationship you’ll ever have is the one with yourself. Nurture it. 

  Let go of the need for external validation. Your worth isn’t up for debate. 

  Ageing is not a loss; it’s an evolution. Embrace it with pride. 

  Boundaries are an act of self-respect. The right people will honour them. 

  Rest is productive. You don’t have to earn the right to slow down. 

  Reinvention is always possible. You’re never too old to start again. 

  Invest in your friendships, sisterhood will carry you through life’s highs and lows. 

  You are allowed to take up space, to be bold, to be heard, and to shine. 

  Happiness is not a destination; it’s in the everyday moments. 

  You don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it alone. 

  Confidence comes from action, not waiting to feel ready. 

  "No" is a complete sentence. Use it without guilt. 

  Your peace is your responsibility, protect it fiercely. 

  Stop waiting for the perfect moment. Life is happening now. 

  Forgiveness is not for them; it’s for you. Let go and set yourself free. 

  Love your body for what it allows you to do, not just how it looks.

  Never underestimate the power of starting over, even in your 50s and beyond.

Glamour: Do you feel that your perspective on life has shifted as you’ve reached this milestone? If so, how?

Zuraida: Turning 50 is just a number, and while it’s a milestone, my perspective has been evolving for years. I don’t see life as a destination, but rather a continuous journey. Every day is an opportunity for greater awareness and intentional living.

Glamour: What do you think people get wrong about turning 50, especially when it comes to women and age?

Zuraida: Society can be ageist, especially when it comes to women. There’s this idea that we have an expiration date or that our value diminishes with age. But the truth is, women get to redefine what it means to be a wholesome, empowered woman at any age. The narrative around aging is changing, and it’s empowering to see women embracing their full potential, no matter the number.

Glamour: What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do or try that you feel more empowered to pursue now that you’re in your 50s?

Zuraida: The biggest thing I’m embracing now is fully letting go of the fear of other people’s opinions. Fear of judgment can hold so many women back, but I’ve learned that my path is mine alone, and I no longer need validation from others. And as for new pursuits, I’m finally committed to learning to play the guitar. I purchased a beautiful guitar 20 years ago with the intention to learn but never committed. Now I am ☺

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