Kriya Gangiah, the stylish twenty-something DJ, MC, actress and model, shares 6 tips for making the most out of your Easter holidays.
In 2016 not only has it been a leap year, but if you put in your leave for just 3 days between the 21st and 25th of March, then you’ll reap the benefits of a whopping 10 day holiday over the Easter period! So if you’re one of the smart ones who figured this out before the rest of the office – then check out these 6 ideas on how to make the most of your extended holiday!
1 #Travelbug
If you’re in the mood for a road trip or a bush break getaway then visit They have plenty of special deals for last minute getaways at over 200
2 Jump, jump sugar lump!
3 Do a little DIY
Ten days is enough time to finish off those DIY projects that you’ve been putting off. And if you’re ever in need of a little inspiration to get those creative juices flowing – then type in: and get pinning!
4 Movie Marathon
Vegging out in front of the television is always a good way to unwind, but how about turning it into more of an ‘event’? Why not create your own outdoor home theatre in your backyard. All you need is a white screen or sheet and a projector linked up to your laptop with your favourite series or latest movies ready to roll. And if you don’t have a backyard (or can’t organise a projector) then just go to the Moonlight Movie Night on the 24th of March at the Harlequins Rugby Club in Pretoria.
5 Dust off your dancing shoes
If you’re up for a party then a trance festival is where you should be heading this Easter. Dust off those dancing shoes and head to the Parallel Universe Trance party near Caledon, which is happening from Saturday 26th – Monday 28th March 2016. This is an annual epic Vortex event and has been going for twenty–two years (about as old as some of the people who go)!
6 Quality time with the family
Catch up with your mom over a cappuccino at a local deli or plan for some good family time with a braai. If you’re in Stellenbosch over the Easter period with your family though, then pop into the Easter Werf Market – a seasonally-inspired feast with lots for the whole family to enjoy!
Happy holidays and whatever you do or wherever you go – make every second count!
Kriya Gangiah is an info-tainment professional who is currently livening up Pretoria’s airwaves on Jacaranda FM and in 2016 is back on our screens as a Mela TV show presenter.
Thinking of hitting the streets with your girls? Read the GLAMOUR guide to road tripping. And if you’re battling with your packing, simplify the process with our guide to your holiday style personality.