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5 Ways to stop Internet banking fraud

Here today… and gone tomorrow! When it comes to your savings you definitely don’t want that cash to magically disappear from your account. So, learn how to protect your money with this great advice from Investec:

1 Don’t save login details or passwords on your computer

Disable, refuse or decline prompts that ask if you want your security info or login remembered. Create different passwords for different service providers.

2 Make sure that no one has unauthorised access your computer

Destroy or delete anything containing login details or security info. Also, be wary of PCs in hotel lobbies and Internet cafes; syndicates regularly install malware on public devices. It’s best to stick to your personal device.

3 Install a personal firewall

Hackers infect home computers by connecting when you’re busy surfing the Internet, but a personal firewall acts as a virtual guard, restricting what leaves and enters your computer. There are several options, some free. At first the firewall may ask what to allow in or out, but it soon makes these decisions  independently, based on your history.

4 Don’t open unsolicited emails with attachments

They may contain a virus. Do yourself a favour and ignore unwanted emails that say ‘reply to unsubscribe’. Your response can be used to confirm your email address – so you’ll get even more emails!

5 Review your ‘Sent’ items

If it contains messages that were sent without your knowledge, your computer may have a virus or may have been compromised.

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