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8 Signs you had an email address in the ’90s

Does thinking about your first ever email address give you nightmares? Then it was probably created in the ’90s! During the decade, you were nobody unless you had an email that could now easily pass as a prostitute’s calling card.

To celebrate the 25th birthday of the Internet, here are eight signs you had an email address in the ’90s. All responses are genuine email addresses previously held by or known to members of the GLAMOUR office and are anonymous to prevent further mortification to the owner.

1 It was mostly numbers

“My friend had [email protected]. She went on to be head girl and a doctor.”

2 It was misspelt because the original had already been claimed

[email protected] – Miss Sixty, my fave brand back then was unfortunately taken so had to go for mizz.”

3 It was longer than it had any right to be

[email protected] (I’ve probably left some numbers off that).” 

4 You were obsessed with angels…

[email protected]. I was obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the time and I was convinced Angel (aka David Boreanaz) would be my dream man.”

“Angelface_(inevitable numbers) My mum made it for me when I was seven and I still use it for spam stuff and subscriptions, shamefully.”

5 …Or something similar to angels

“So embarrassing but it was [email protected] and I had this DIY emoji after it <3.”

6 It said “Hi, here are my interests”

[email protected] [Austin Powers] A part of my soul has just perished admitting that.”

[email protected] – Gohan from Dragon Ball Z.  Such a geek.”

“I am ashamed to admit it, but [email protected].”

7 Or, “Here is my tentative foray into expressing my sexuality”

“Don’t think anything beats [email protected]. Actually makes me cringe typing that.” 

“It was something like [email protected]. My best friend had one that was [email protected] which makes me DIE.”

8 Basically, you look back and go, “WTF was I thinking?”

“My email in the late ’90s was [email protected]. I was really into swimming, and didn’t quite realise the connotation till much later.”

Taken from GLAMOUR UK. Click here to read the original.

Can your first email address beat any of these? Tweet us  @GLAMOUR_sa.

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