Updated on 14 September 2018
Produced and directed by Jabu Nadia Newman and Luvuyo Equiano Nyawose, the video for Queenie, a track by FAKA (Desire Marea and Fela Gucci) asserts POC queer and trans bodies, in various milestones, through the use of portraiture.
The key themes explored are the family unit, growth, representation and the significance of the portrait. Ultimately the video is a celebration and collaboration of queer and trans bodies
Never heard of FAKA before? Read all about how Donatella Versace put them on below:
Are Desire Marea and Fela Gucci the next Migos of Mzansi?
A post shared by Donatella Versace(@donatella_versace) on Jun 16, 2018 at 10:24am PDT
Influential artists, fashion stars, and musicians Desire Marea and Fela Gucci sat front row at Versace’s Spring / Summer 2019 show this weekend. Seated next to fashion elite, the pair watched while models strutted across the runway to the duo’s music.
US rap group The Migos, skyrocketed to popularity after their music was played during one of Versace’s runway shows. Perhaps this is Marea and Gucci’s big break.
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