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Lady Zamar steps up her game

Lady Zamar caused a stir after her performance at the Miss South Africa Pageant. And it wasn’t about her killer vocals, it was ALL about her fashion choices and how she should consider hiring a new stylist. Well, she listened to the public and did the exact opposite. She stuck with what she knows but was determined to prove the people of Twitter wrong. We’re not too sure if the designer of the disastrous Miss SA ensemble is still involved but what we do know if she is currently being dressed by Mashilo B designs and damn, she is looking good!

Take a look at her latest fashion choices here:

The beauty of my dreams ❤ #sama24

A post shared by BonoloMashiloDesigns(@bmashilodesigns) on Jun 2, 2018 at 3:04pm PDT

Burgundy 🌺

A post shared by BonoloMashiloDesigns(@bmashilodesigns) on Jun 3, 2018 at 11:02am PDT

Pictures tell a thousand words ✈ traveling light I don’t know how to do it #Collide

A post shared by King Zamar 👑(@lady_zamar) on Jun 8, 2018 at 4:50am PDT


A post shared by King Zamar 👑(@lady_zamar) on Jun 17, 2018 at 4:31am PDT

These definitely get the GLAMOUR fashion stamp of approval!

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