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GLAM Chat: SA Style Award winners



The winners of the 19th Annual SA Style Awards were recently announced and GLAMOUR caught up with some of the winners to find how much their awards mean to them, plus we asked them to share some of their most treasured style secrets!

Jay Anstey – Most Stylish Performing Artist – Film

GLAMOUR: What does winning an SA Style Award mean to you?

Jay: It’s such an honour to have won a Style Award. Not only do the judges take into account what you wear, but also how you conduct yourself in the public eye. So to be associated with all previous winners, as well as winners of 2014, is truly thrilling. I couldn’t be happier!

GLAMOUR: When you’re on-screen, how much does your own personal style influence that of the character you’re playing, if at all?

Jay: Usually I don’t have a say in what I wear on screen because it’s not about me, it’s about the character. But I have full control off set! And with the genius hands of Gert-Johan Coetzee always close by, I’ve managed to create a unique style that encompasses class as well as a youthful aspect to every garment I wear.

Roxy Burger – Most Stylish Performing Artist – TV

GLAMOUR: What does winning an SA Style Award mean to you?

Roxy: It’s a real honour as I really respect the winners who have come before me. And as someone who owns an online fashion store it’s given me the confidence that OhOneOne is headed in the right direction! My business partner and I base our clothing on our personal style so it feels fantastic that the Style Awards think I’m doing something right.

GLAMOUR: You’ve won the award for Most Stylish Performing Artist on TV – what are some of your DOs and DON’Ts when it comes to dressing for TV?

Roxy: There are the basics that we all stick to – like don’t wear white, small patterns and stripes as they strobe on TV. Something to consider is that most of the time are that shots on TV are medium close-ups, so it’s a good idea to ensure that the top of your outfit has some detail in it. Be it a great necklace, great earrings or a top that is really striking. Bright colours are always a winner.

Albertus Swanepoel – Most Stylish Designer

GLAMOUR: What does winning an SA Style Award mean to you?

Albertus: Winning an award is always an honour an affirmation. So I’m very honored!

GLAMOUR: Are there any tips you have for some our readers who feel that hats “don’t suit” them? What things should one look out for when shopping for a hat?

Albertus: I think a hat adds instant character and GLAMOUR to an outfit. There’s a hat out there that suits everyone, so I would consider it very seriously to add one to your wardrobe! Just try one on and see what looks good.

Zuraida Jardine and Josh Lindberg – Most Stylish Couple

GLAMOUR: What does winning an SA Style Award mean to you?

Zuraida: I have always been a huge fan of this stylish calendar event in SA. To be attending this year as an award winner is truly an honour. I feel like a joyous kid this year, going to my fav toy store.

GLAMOUR: You and Josh have won the award for Most Stylish Couple – how do you tie your looks together without actually matching?

Zuraida: Josh feels he should always be the canvas and I should be the paint. We give little thought to our dress codes as a couple. I usually get dressed for an event separate to him. Sometimes he may ask me what to wear but often we dress according to our own identity which is important to us as individuals. We’re both emotional about our clothing, so we wear what feels good for us on that particular day for a particular occasion. I guess that’s what works for us.

Jonathan Boynton-Lee – Most Stylish Newcomer

GLAMOUR: What does winning an SA Style Award mean to you?

Jonathan: It’s completely surreal. It’s an overwhelming and humbling experience to be doing what I love every day, and actually winning awards for it. It’s a feeling I can’t put into words, and one I’ll never get used to. To be honoured with a prestigious award like this, alongside peers I look up to who are at the top of their game, is just the perfect way to finish off what’s been the best year of my life.

GLAMOUR: You’ve won the award for Most Stylish Newcomer – since winning

Jonathan: I think style is a reflection of you as a person, your soul, the way you live life, conduct yourself, and treat others. I’m the same person I was in 2012, so it would follow then that my style hasn’t changed either. With regards to things I never saw myself wearing? A pink speedo would probably be top of that list!

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