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Candice Swanepoel calls out body shamers

Candice Swanepoel is known not only for having one of the best bodies this earth has ever seen but she is also a mom to two gorgeous kids. She gave birth almost two weeks ago and was recently snapped on the beach in a bikini and people had a lot to say about it.

Haters posted nasty comments saying that she should have shed all the baby weight by now and she does not look like herself. Candice was not here for this and she put the haters right back in their place.

Posting a picture of herself in a bikini, she wrote: “This is me 12 days after having my son. If you have something bad to say about it… check yourself.”

“Beauty standards are sometimes impossible for women these days. I am not ashamed to show my post-partum tummy, I am proud actually. I carried my son for nine months in there, I think I’ve earned the right to have a little tummy… let me enjoy the beach in peace, please.”

To be honest, we think she looks H-O-T! A lot of us dream of looking like this only two weeks after giving birth.

But she didn’t end it there, she posted another picture saying she refuses to hide her beautiful bump just to make other people comfortable. And rightly so!

“I don’t have to hide my stomach just because people have unrealistic standards of women. We create life… What can you do?” she wrote, before telling women to be kind to each other.

We back you, Candice! You are gorgeous and #mombodgoals.

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