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Thembi Seete redefines beauty standards in a heartfelt letter to her young self

Artist and actress Thembi Seete, explores the beauty landscape by writing a heartfelt letter to her teenage self calling for an inclusive industry that embraces the beauty in our differences.

Dear young Thembi

I know that right now, you may feel lost and uncertain about your future. But trust me, you are capable of achieving greatness. I remember feeling scared and unsure of ourselves when we were just 10 years old. We were desperate to fit in and please others, but deep down, we had a fire burning. Music was our escape, our joy, and our passion. It helped us dream big and imagine a life beyond our wildest dreams. We envisioned ourselves performing on grand stages, travelling the world, and living purposefully and creatively. I wish we had known what the future had in store for us so we could stop stressing so much. But growing up, we felt we had to hide our true selves. We were told to focus on books and grades and that our love for music and dance was just a hobby. We felt misunderstood and alone, as if our passions were a secret we couldn’t share with others.But then, everything changed. Wemoved to Johannesburg and our life was never the same.

Thembi at the GLAMOUR’s Most GLAMOURous fashion awards 2024, Image: Where the wakes photography

We found a new family, a new school and a new language. But most importantly, we found our true calling. We discovered our love for dance, music, beauty and fashion and never looked back. If I had known that our passion was going to take care of us for the longest time, we would have explored it at an earlier stage. Our mother, a fashion designer, taught us everything we know today. She showed us how to care for our skin, eat well, and dress confidently. She instilled a sense of self-worth and dignity that we carry today. We met amazing people along the way who believed in us and helped us become the best version of ourselves. We formed a group, Boom Shaka, and our dreams became a reality. We performed on grand stages, travelled the world, and lived a life we never thought possible. Who would’ve thought that our imaginary young minds were that powerful? I wish we had known about the law of attraction a long time ago.

Our journey was not without its challenges. We faced setbacks, disappointments and self-doubt, but we never gave up. We kept pushing forward, always remembering our mother’s lessons: never go to bed with your makeup on, take care of your skin, eat healthily, go to the gym, and make sure you have your facials at least once a month. Always believe in ourselves. As I look back at our journey, I am proud of the woman we have become. We are strong, resilient and confident. We are a mother, a fashion icon, a musician, and a dancer. We are living proof that our dreams can come true if we work hard and believe in them. Keep shining, younger me. Keep dancing, singing and dreaming. Never give up on your passions; remember that you can achieve greatness. Never let the child in us die, because that’s what makes us lovable.

With love and support,

Thembi Seete

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