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Now Trending: Snowy nails

Baby, it’s cold outside! Time to snuggle up in this haute, snowy two-tone look. It’s guaranteed to keep you cosy! 

Shades you’ll need:

- Tuck It In My Tux

- Jiggle High, Jiggle Low

1. Apply two coats of Tuck It In My Tux and allow to dry completely.

2. Using the Essie Brush, apply two horizontal stripes of Jiggle High, Jiggle Low across the nail.

3. Using a large dotting tool, apply dots of Jiggle High, Jiggle Low across the top and bottom of each stripe.

4. Using a small dotting tool, apply dots of Jiggle High, Jiggle Low in between each scalloped stripe. Allow to dry completely.

5. Using a medium dotting tool, apply dots of Tuck It In My Tux down the middle of each scalloped stripe. Repeat to achieve full coverage.

Pro Tips:

- Start with a thin layer of Essie Base Coat.

- Try variations with fewer dots to create a simpler look.

- Seal with a thin layer of Essie Top Coat.

Looking for more creative nail ideas? Find out how to get updated tweed nails and mosaic nails!

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