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The ultimate makeup bag packing guide

Image: Unsplash

We often overlook the importance of correctly organising our make-up products when packing for a vacation.

By cramming all of our products into our bags, the worst thing that could happen is that we arrive at our destination only to find that the products are a mess. And, quite frankly, there is nothing more frustrating than seeing your eyeshadow palette ruined or your favourite lipstick broken.

So to help you avoid inconveniences on your next vacation, beauty experts share four handy tips for organising your make-up products:

Protect your palette with cotton pads

Avoid carrying huge palettes as they are fragile and can easily break during travel. Place cotton pads on top of the palette. That will help keep everything in place.

Use scotch tape for liquid products

For your toners or face mists, use two to three pieces of tape to seal the tops of your products. To avoid spilling, make sure it covers the entire cap.

Carry multi-purpose products

Carry a multi-purpose product. Some liquid lipsticks, for example, can be used for both blush and eyeshadow. That will allow for space in your make-up bag while minimising the risk of ruining your products.

Place your make-up bag in the centre of the suitcase

To avoid damage, wrap your make-up bag in a towel and place it in the middle of the suitcase. You can use this method for your perfumes as well.


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