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HOW TO: remove nail varnish stains

If you’ve ever found yourself too lazy to use a base coat before applying varnish (haven’t we all?) – you may have had a run-in with a vicious dark polish that penetrated your base coat! Stained nails? Argh! We’ve all been through this, right? Thankfully you can get rid of these stains fairly easily, just follow these six simple steps!

1. Remove the offending polish with nail polish remover. Even though we don’t usually suggest acetone remover, this problem calls for the big guns. Get one with acetone from Clicks or Dis-chem.

2. Lightly buff your nails using a 3 or 4 way buffer. Use the roughest grit, as this will open the layers of the nails where the stains are sitting.

3. In a small bowl, mix four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide(you can find this at your pharmacy) with three tablespoons of baking soda (this might fizz a bit). Then use a nailbrush to scrub your nails using the mixture. You will notice a difference almost immediately. If you don’t want to use hydrogen peroxide, you can substitute it with lemon juice.

4. Once you’ve rid your nails of those nasty stains, you’ll need to moisturise your hands. Use the richest cream you can find.

5. When the cream has absorbed, buff your nails again using the two finest grits on the buffer. First the rougher, and then the finest – this will seal your nails from the buffing earlier.

6. Finally, massage a few drops of nail oil into each nail. This will replace the moisture lost during scrubbing.

Emmy is the daughter of a sailor, animal loving, coffee addicted, beauty product junkie editor of

Looking for more nail quick fixes? These tips will help your keep your mani looking fresh for much longer. And don’t forget to check out these 10 totally-wedding worthy nail art ideas.

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