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How to master ‘sun stripping’

Loved contouring and strobing? Then you’re going to be ob-SESSED with their 2016 update, sun stripping: the bronzing technique that makes you look like you’ve been on a two week holiday when in actual fact you’ve been stuck indoors working…

So what exactly is sun stripping, and how on earth do you do it? Benefit head Makeup Artist Lisa Potter-Dixon has this to say about the new sun kissed trend:

“Sun stripping is a new way to apply your bronzer, and I actually think it’s a lot cooler and more realistic than the old contouring trick. By brushing your bronzer from cheek to cheek, across your nose, and then blending beautifully, you’re hitting the high points that you naturally tan. Add a few fake freckles and you’re ready to go! Who needs a week in the sun when you can fake it this well?”

Still not sure? Take a look at Lisa’s video, where she shows you exactly how to perfect the technique:


Still haven’t mastered the originals? Check out this step-by-step guide to contouring, and learn  how to strobe like a pro

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