From eating clean to dealing with unruly bikini lines, Veet brand ambassadress Melinda Bam shares her top tips for getting ready for summer at the Veet Sensitive Touch launch.
1 Condition
Always use leave-in conditioner before heading to the beach as it helps protect your hair from the damaging effects of salt water.
2 Protect
Sunscreen is a summer must, so be sure to reapply throughout the day and look out for beauty creams with SPF.
3 Glow
Everyone is after a golden glow in summer, and the safest way to get it is via self-tan, which also forms a protective barrier against the sun. That doesn’t mean you can skip the SPF, though!
4 Polish
If you don’t have time to go for a mani-pedi, invest in a quick DIY set that you can stick on as soon as you notice your gel wearing out.
5 Groom
Unsightly body hair is a no-no at the beach, so I always Veet my legs and wax my bikini line.
From bumpy thighs to dry skin, we all have body hang-ups. But instead of hiding under a baggy t-shirt, follow these easy steps.