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Glow Up this summer with GLAMOUR & Bernini

GLAMOUR & Bernini are giving you and your girls a chance to win a Bernini Glow Up hamper to the value of R5000.

The holiday season is nearly upon us and that means it is time to start making plans with your squad about when and where you’re getting together to unwind and enjoy each other’s company with the refreshing taste of Bernini.

Our favourite Natural Sparkling Grape Frìzzante has also just revealed a premium, sophisticated new look and manicure friendly easy-open cap. Now Bernini Glow Getters can enjoy the Frìzzante’s convenience and style.

Bernini Marketing Manager, Tania Kotze, says Bernini Glow Getters are always finding new ways to glow up in their lives and show them how it’s done, so naturally they had to dial up the glow themselves.

“Bernini prides itself on being a brand with its finger on the pulse, that is why it is South Africa's much loved Frìzzante drink for empowered women with style, confidence and glam.

“With our bold new look and improved features, we are taking the Bernini experience to the next level, and we invite our Squad to step into the spotlight and shine with us. They are the ones we celebrate with when we step up, because they inspire us to #GlowUpOnOurWayUp she emphasizes.”, added Kotze.

This summer, GLAMOUR and Bernini are giving you a chance to win a Bernini Glow Up hamper to the value of R5000. The Bernini Glow Up hamper includes:

4 x Flutes

Manicure Voucher to the value of R150.

Drinks Trolley

Mini ice bucket

Mini Tongs

Join the Bernini conversation on social media by following the hashtags #GlowUpOnOurWayUp, #NaturalSparklingGrapeFrizzante, #TheSquadIsGlowingUp and #BerniniFrizzanteFriday on the Bernini Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter.

Also, watch the new video on the Bernini SA YouTube channel below and don’t forget to subscribe.

Bernini supports responsible drinking and encourages all South Africans to consume alcohol responsibly. Alcohol Not for Persons under 18 years.

To enter answer the question and fill out your details in the form below.

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Competition Terms and Conditions

1. Entrants should not be younger than 18 years old.

2. Entrants must supply full name and contact details along with their submissions.

3. Winners will be chosen at random.

4. If winners cannot be contacted, the prizes will be reassigned.

5. Condé Nast Independent Magazines (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to forward entrants’ details to competition sponsors.

6. The judges’ decision is final.

7. Competition prizes not transferable and no cash alternatives are allowed.

8. Employees of Condé Nast Independent Magazines (Pty) Ltd and participating/associated companies and promotional agencies, contributors to GLAMOUR and families of any of the above may not enter the competition.

9. By entering this competition, you agree to receive correspondence from Condé Nast Independent Magazines (Pty) Ltd and affiliated competition sponsors.

10. Competition is only open to South African residents.

11. Vouchers/gift certificates are not transferable for cash and should be used within a month once received.

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