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Want to feel youthful? Do these 5 Simple Things

Image: Pexels

There’s a reason so many beauty products out there use youth as a selling point. Besides outward appearances, young bodies are generally healthy bodies, and we all want to be healthy, and live long and happy lives. But we can only be the age we actually are, so we need to embrace and celebrate the wisdom and experience that we’ve gained over the years too.

Feeling young is therefore not about hating our wrinkles or wishing we didn’t have grey hair. It’s about channelling a youthful energy into our lives and making the most of the time we have left on this planet. Besides exercising, eating well and having a comprehensive medical aid in place such as with Fedhealth, here are five simple things you can do to encourage your vitality:

1. Have friends of all ages

Being around children and younger people can have huge health benefits, whether these are your grandchildren, kids you’re working with at the neighbouring youth centre, or simply friends that are of a different generation from you. You gain some of their positivity and fresh outlook on the world, and they gain from your experience and wisdom. “Loneliness is one of the key predictors of functional decline*”, so maintaining friendships as you age is vitally important.

2. Let go of toxic relationships

It’s no surprise that holding on to toxic relationships is bad for our minds, but it’s interesting to know that it also affects our physical health. Various studies** have shown that being in a toxic relationship can lead to higher rates of obesity, higher blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart problems. So, if it’s a toxic friendship, a family member who you have an unhealthy relationship with, or a marriage/romantic partnership that has gone sour, it’s never too late to get out of it. 

3. Find your purpose

We know this is easier said than done! But knowing why you’re getting out of bed each day, and having goals to achieve, makes you feel purposeful and energised. For many people, this is where their occupation comes into play, but it doesn’t mean that you have no purpose once you retire and stop working. Your purpose could be about raising happy children who contribute positively to the world, or it could be about starting a company that employs others. Volunteering is another way to feel like what you’re doing with your time matters in the grander scheme of things.

4. Have more sex

Sex is not only for the young and nubile. A study*** conducted by British psychologist David Weeks a few years ago claimed that regular sex can make people appear up to seven years younger than they are. Lovemaking produces various hormones in your body which help keep the skin elastic, burn fat, boost immunity, and ease anxiety, among other things.

5. Learn how to breathe properly

The ancient yogis have always known about the power of the breath. But in our modern lives, so many of us are doing it all wrong. Breathing more efficiently can improve our sleep, lower our blood pressure, boost our metabolisms and reduce anxiety, among other benefits. First up, the trick is to focus on breathing through your nose, not your mouth. There are many other exercises you could practise to improve your breathing techniques, including lengthening your exhale, holding on to the exhale and putting your hand on your belly, so you can “feel” the breath moving through your body. Give them a go and watch how much calmer you feel.

We all know someone who appears to have taken some youth elixir. Well, now you can be one of those people, by trying some of these tricks above. After all, it’s not how young you are − it’s how young you feel that matters in the end.

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