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8 things every woman should try in bed

Some sex tips are for special-occasion sex - for those times when you want to shake things up a little.

Whether you feel like your sex life is lagging or just feel like doing something new, the following eight tips are things we think every woman should try at least once in bed.

Why? Because you never know, you might just love your newfound knowledge.

1. Be selfish in bed

Sometimes you need to put your pleasure first, ask for what you want and not worry about whether he's having as good a time. Yes, it should be a balance, but if you're always concerned about him, you won't focus on you and may never discover what you like.

2. Lube it up

Who knew one small tube could revolutionise your sex life? Just a little bit of quality lube can mean the difference between discomfort and ecstasy.

There are plenty of factors that can affect a woman's natural lubrication - dehydration, antihistamines, the Pill, stress, antidepressants, pregnancy and even breastfeeding; but you don't have to need it to enjoy it.

Adding a lubricant to your usual routine can intensify pleasure, enhance sensitivity, prolong activity, help prevent condoms from splitting and feel sensuous and stimulating.

3. Wear something seductive

Wearing a new set of underwear can really help boost confidence in the bedroom. It gives you a chance to get into your zone and detach from everyday, normal life.

But, just make sure that what you're wearing is for both of you - feeling itchy and uncomfortable isn't going to make for memorable sex. If lingerie isn't your thing, try a pair of stilettos or red-hot lipstick, instead. It's like the sexual equivalent of a business suit.

4. Target your PS-spot

Introducing your PS-spot - the area directly opposite the G-spot, inside the vaginal canal. 'PS' stands for 'perineal sponge', a nerve-rich erectile tissue that swells during arousal and may appreciate a little manual stimulation.

If your man can be a tad heavy-handed with your clitoris, this is the perfect alternative. One reader tells us, "My boyfriend stimulated my PS-spot with his fingers during oral sex; it was a seriously intense experience for both of us."

5. Watch porn with a partner

Just as sex toys shouldn't have to be a solo activity, adult films can be a couples' thing too. Take the time to find something you both like - you'll be surprised at how fun this can be.

6. Practice delayed gratification

It's easy for things to end up cosy rather than steamy with a long-term partner. Take yourself back to the early days of getting together like teenagers and then going out for the evening before having sex. A delay will only build the suspense.

7. Dabble in domination and submission

No dungeon required, we promise. Instead of surprising your partner with a pair of handcuffs (though feel free if that's your thing), start your adventure in domination and submission gently. Run the idea by your partner first and then invest in a good how-to book to get going.

8. Stop chasing the orgasm

When it's not happening, the orgasm pressure can start to mount which makes everyone uncomfortable and tense. If it then does, it can feel a bit souless after being chased so much. Sometimes you just have to accept it may not be your or their nights, and that's fine - concentrate on just enjoying the ride. You never know, being more relaxed may help you to be pleasantly surprised at the end of it.

Six things NOT to do in bed (ever)

1. Criticise

Nothing can deflate the moment like a sexual put-down. If he's doing something you don't like, try saying, "I'd love it if you..." instead.

2. Talk about your work, ex, or mother in bed

Sounds obvious, but it's so easy to start downloading the minute you get into bed. Sex is escapism, so pillow talk should avoid the mundane or touchy.

3. Fake orgasm

You'll have to keep up the ruse and he'll never learn what works for you.

4. Be wishy-washy

When your partner whispers, "How do you want it?" don't say, "I don't mind, whatever." Know what you do and don't want.

5. Try to keep up with the Joneses

It's great to get tips from your friends, but don't let it make you feel bad about your sex life.

6. Get 'ready' for sex

Sure, it's nice to clean your teeth and shower before sex but sometimes - just go with the flow - hairy legs and all!

This story originally appeared on Glamour UK

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