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Women in Charge: Nabilah Kariem’s Rise as the Fashion IT Girl with Witchery

Nabilah Kariem’s rise in the fashion industry is a story of passion, persistence, and a partnership with a brand that truly believes in empowering women. From her early days as a content creator with a keen eye for modest fashion, she has transformed into a fashion IT girl, with Witchery playing a key role in that evolution.

Witchery’s commitment to empowering women to express themselves, no matter where their life or ambitions take them, has been central to Nabilah’s success. The brand’s daily style inspiration has influenced her work and supported her in building a brand that speaks to women everywhere.

Nabilah is a leading voice in modest fashion, and with Witchery’s support, she blends cultural, religious, and aesthetic values, creating a dynamic personal brand that resonates deeply.

Q: Nabilah, how did you get started in the world of fashion, and where did your passion for modest fashion, in particular, come from?

Nabilah: Fashion has always been a significant part of my life. My mother placed a strong emphasis on how I presented myself, which became a bonding experience for us. Whether it was shopping for clothes on weekends or sewing our own outfits, fashion was an integral part of my formative years.

After a year at university studying a course that didn’t feel right, I convinced my parents to let me drop out and pursue my passion for fashion. Interestingly, I spent a year working at Witchery and Mimco to save up enough money to study fashion, which I eventually did.

While studying, I began posting some of my outfits on Instagram, which was just starting to emerge as a cultural hub. At the same time, modest fashion was gaining global visibility. As someone who wore a hijab and posted outfits online, I found myself riding the wave of this growing movement. Within two years, I became a leading modest fashion content creator in the country, and opportunities began opening up in all directions.

Q: How has Witchery played a role in your fashion journey?

Nabilah: Beyond working at Witchery to pay for fashion school, the brand has always resonated with my personal style. Witchery’s commitment to outstanding quality and design has made it one of my favourite brands. Their designs are easy to style as a modest woman, and it’s been exciting to feature them in my content. I’ve always admired how Witchery as a Style Authority, and it’s a brand I’m proud to be associated with.

Q: What’s the creative process like when planning a shoot?

Nabilah: The creative process is constantly evolving, but after eight years, my husband Sulaiman and I have really settled into a rhythm. It all begins with the creative brief and engaging in the right conversations with the client. From there, it can take anywhere from hours to weeks before we land on an idea that feels strong enough. We try not to force this part of the process and have learned to manage our lives in a way that keeps us in a healthy and sustainable creative space.

We consider what we want to achieve with the shoot and what has been done before. We gather as many references as possible and explore various angles until we find something that excites us. Once the idea is finalised and the client approves, the focus shifts to execution. From locations, gear, and crew to outfits, set design, and makeup—the list goes on. We are always pushing ourselves to make each production better than the last.

Q: What advice do you have for aspiring influencers or those looking to build their personal brand?

Nabilah: It’s crucial to understand that personal branding goes beyond the surface. It may seem like it’s all about followers, engagement, and brand deals, but those are often the least important aspects. If you’re building a personal brand online, it should genuinely align with your personal goals. What I’ve found to be key is maintaining a solid reputation. Too often, people sacrifice their reputation for attention, not realising the long-term negative consequences. Trends will fade, and platforms may disappear, but your reputation will likely outlive you.

For those wanting to make a career out of creating content online, be authentic and true to yourself. It’s easy to fall into the trap of following in someone else’s footsteps, but the most successful creators bring something unique to the table. Find your voice, be consistent, and continuously work on improving your craft. It’s a journey, but it’s incredibly rewarding when you see your hard work pay off.

Q: What’s next for you?

Nabilah: As I approach 30, it feels like life is just beginning. I want to continue creating in areas that excite me, whether that’s films, furniture, homes, clothing, or countless other things. Most of my work on social media has shifted to behind-the-scenes, where I act as a creative consultant for some of the coolest brands in the world.

I’ve recently completed my first ceramics course, which I absolutely love. I also just finished making a bed that I’m super proud of and plan to tackle a sofa next. I keep joking with my husband about opening a Pilates studio, which probably isn’t happening anytime soon, but for now, life is life-ing. I’m grateful and excited to see what’s next.

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