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5 Drama free ways to announce your engagement

Spend as much time as you possibly can enjoying the moment you got engaged. Daydream about what it was like, celebrate over and over again with your fiancé, and make sure that you take the time to rest and relax before diving into wedding planning. Which means that after you get engaged, ignore the feeling of wondering if you have to share the news with every single person that you know.

While you might see other people post about their engagement all over their social media feed in what feels like seconds after it happens, you don’t have to do that. You may tell people in your life in small doses or keep it entirely private. If you’re pondering how to announce your engagement without any drama creeping in, here are five ways to do just that.

1. Tell Your Immediate Crew First

The easiest way to stop drama in its tracks is to let your closest friends and family members know that you’re engaged before telling the entire world. After you and your fiancé have taken some one-on-one time to enjoy the moment, find a special way to tell your crew. You can choose to gather them all together and tell them all at once or let each of them know individually. If you go with the second route, make sure you tell them one after another so that they all find out on the same day and don’t feel left out.

2. Talk Through the Potential Drama First

While it’s probably not at the top of your post-engagement to-do list and it probably is a major buzzkill, talk with your fiancé about any potential drama that might surround announcing your engagement. Do you have a friend whose wedding is the next day? Will they be mad if you announce your engagement so close to their big day? Are there certain people you want to hide the engagement from so they don’t try to crash the wedding or send you rude messages? Are there certain people you need to tell ASAP that you’re engaged before the news starts spreading and they get offended? Chat about any possible situations before you plan how you’re going to announce your engagement.

3. Schedule Your Social Posts

If you’re planning on posting something on social media, spend the time to make it unique and personal to you and your fiancé. Share the story of how the question was popped and the emotions behind your response. Plan to share the news on social media during a time that you can take in all of the comments and messages in doses—that way you won’t be overwhelmed with tons of congratulatory comments, messages, and people already reaching out and offering unwarranted wedding advice.

4. Go Offline After You Announce

Once the news is public and you’ve spread your engagement bliss on social media, you may want to spend a few days detached from social media so that you don’t get pulled into a spiral of comments and suggestions about your wedding from friends and family members and can instead enjoy time with your fiancé. To avoid the drama that comes with posting about your engagement online, you might decide to tell people only in real life or through phone calls, and that’s it. That way, you don’t have a ton of semi-friends, but mostly acquaintances, knowing about your engagement.

5. Keep it Private

The easiest way to avoid all the drama around your new engagement is to keep it almost entirely private. Share the news with your nearest and dearest friends and family members, but only when you’re ready to do so. If you’re planning on having a tiny wedding, you might just keep the entire ordeal private. If you want to have a wedding with a lot of guests, it’s okay to announce your engagement to guests when you send out a save the date.

Taken from Brides. Read the original  here

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