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Sho’t left Mzansi: 6 ways you can make your road trip memorable

South Africa is home to stunning landscapes worth exploring during a road trip.

While planning a trip can be daunting, using Google Maps on your phone can help you get the best directions to your destination.

Here are a few ways you can make use of the navigation platform to change the way you plan and experience travel this December, whether you’re driving, walking, biking or using public transport.

Find new places

Want to explore new and interesting places? The Google Maps’ Explore feature can help you find some hidden gems compiled and made public by other users. Also, check out Your Places (it will appear as suggested locations in Google Maps) There's also the Lists feature to help adventure lovers curate more adrenaline-fuelled experiences.

Experience something new

When you check out Google Maps reviews, you can decide which locations or experiences are worth seeing or doing before you travel. If you search for a location, under the Reviews section of its information page, you'll find a star rating, a date and pictures from people who have visited.

To quickly find the most popular hikes and experiences, outdoor enthusiasts can also search for specific words like "hiking trails". After you've checked the place or activity off your list, don't forget to leave your own review. Businesses and other visitors can benefit from it.

Create your itinerary

Using the Lists feature, you can save your bucket list of locations you’d like to visit, for easy access. You can also easily create custom maps with the places on your lists for viewing on the Maps mobile app and finding places on the go.

Avoid the crowds

For those looking to avoid crowded areas during their travels, check out Area Busyness. It provides all the details on how safe a particular location is, and you can pinpoint exactly when an area is most active if travelling during peak times.

Make bookings and reservations

When you search for a place on Google Maps, you can place a reservation with the establishment through the app by clicking into its business profile. Be sure to research the property first.

Put the music up

Sync Google Maps with your preferred music streaming service, like YouTube Music, and enjoy your favourite tunes.

This originally appeared on IOL

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