If you’ve been searching for your worthiness in titles and relationships, chances are, you’re still looking. Author, Speaker and Coach Nicky Rowbotham says that worthiness is innate.
Most of us grapple with the idea of being worthy or enough in the moment, so we believe we have to be or do more to be validated. What does it mean to be worthy now? “You don’t need to slay dragons, or achieve every expectation or perceived ideal society has for you first. Life doesn't always have to be a constant struggle for us to be worthy,” says Nicky Rowbotham.
What should life be like? “When we live authentically, pursuing success for ourselves, life is easeful.” Nicky notes that’s not always easy, as there'll be tough times in life, “but our struggles don't have to define us.” She enlightens that struggle is, in fact, resistance or friction that should indicate we're not on the right path or working within our flow, as we try to force something to happen that may not be right for us. Here, she shares nuggets to help you step into and embrace your power.
Achieve your success through ease
We must carve a path to success through ease – rooted in and embracing our innate gifts and power. For many years, I chased a career title I thought epitomised success. There were always obstacles in my path. I’d change tack, thinking that a different approach was required, until I finally realised a role and title wouldn't best serve my gifts and joy. I’d be ticking the box for society’s expectations and external validation of my success.
When I stopped trying to force things to happen and embraced what I truly loved, without external title or accolade, I felt my body exhale. It’s as if it said to my soul, finally, she gets it. It took me long enough, but the timing was universally perfect and serendipitous as I was finally in a place to listen – I was ready and open.
Let go of perceived expectations
My definition of success had shifted on its axis, and I became incredibly comfortable with what I had to offer myself, others and the world. I wasn’t chasing social media likes or applause from a faceless, often anonymous audience. And I’m not alone. We need to course-correct and realign with our internal North Star, as I see an uprising of people remembering their worth and stepping into their knowing – embracing that your different is your normal, which is inherently unique. We're already enough and must accept life is about being more for ourselves by doing less of what we feel is expected and more of what we know is right for ourselves. As we welcome our light and elegant power, we chart a path to success with ease, a victory that hits us in the gut and heart because it’s magical and meaningful to us. It’s our soul’s work. It’s the work we want to do, have been called for, and how we want to show up rather than the work we feel we should do or are supposed to do. Let’s not wait for perfect as we unshackle from the perceived expectations in our lives.
Embrace your worth
You and your gifts are worthy right now, just as you are. And the world needs them all. What makes us different is also what makes us who we were born to be. That's magnetic. It’s empowering. When we dim our light, we don’t do anyone a favour; it’s a disservice. When you’re in the presence of someone who knows their worth, their energy is contagious. You want to shine brighter through inspiration alone. So, stop taking a back seat in life, switch off autopilot and move into the driver’s seat. It’s time to break away from the shackles of how life should be, look and feel. Reveal all the gifts you've kept hidden for so long. It’s time to shine as you navigate a new way of being, rooted in majestic authority and simplicity, where your natural light shines through. A way of easeful soul, flow and grace rooted in your self-worth.
Nicky’s Top Quotes on Worthiness
“It's rooted in that sense of self, a sense of sureness as we honour our innate knowing. But that sureness only comes with a sense of ownership of self and abundant love of self.”
“There's no worthiness quest that we need to take as we're worthy at the start. It’s time to take our power back as there's no gap between who we are and who we are. Read that again. It’s not a typo, these wounds and redemptions are all rooted in our self-worth and holding ourselves with the regard that we're powerful beings. But we need to be conscious about when we're showing up from our gifts or our wounds. Honour what we know we don’t know and be committed to continual personal growth.”
"Cats are one of my best examples of true worthiness and being truly open to blissfully receive. My rescue cat, Tasha, often lies basking in the sun and strolls over to me and rubs up against my legs when she wants attention, but in such an assured, centred way and purrs in a sense of pleasure at receiving what she asked for. If you've ever walked up to a cat and it has rolled onto its back ready to blissfully receive belly rubs, you'll know what I mean. Their worthiness is so sure and they give attention back once they've received, but on their terms, never doubting that they deserve the attention first. In fact, they demand it.”
Meet the Expert
Nicky Rowbotham is the Author of Embrace Your Elegant Power – Your Path to Success with Ease and Steps to Finding Flow – Flip the Script on Stress. Embrace Your Elegant Power, available at all book stores, Amazon, Kindle, most audio formats and nickyrowbotham.com.