We kick off the month of love with our Reflections of Love series, and we’re inviting to take a seat at the table. This is a safe space so feel free to take off your mask or any additives you may think you need to be “more palatable.” We welcome all of YOU.
Before we get into the intricacies of this wholesome conversation, I’d like to check in with YOU. How are you, really? I invite you to lean in as we reflect on how love has shown up in your life. And how your concept of love has evolved over the years. I gravitate towards self-love because this is the area I’ve been focusing on. It has also shown up in the form of a mini me, who introduced me to unconditional love and friendship. I’m only able to recognise this because I’ve been doing the work. I will admit though, that I don’t always feel worthy. How often have you felt unworthy? Are you aware of the relationship between love and self-worth or self-esteem?
Let’s shift the focus to romantic love for a minute. How do you show up in your intimate relationships? Do you think it’s true that we date at the level of our self-esteem? Think about the type of relationship you have with your partner. Do you feel seen, valued and heard? Are you happy? Is the relationship reflective of your core values? Are you able to show up in your fullness? Do they accept you as you are? And most importantly, do you feel safe? How do you think you attracted this person into your life? What attracted you to them? Do they honour your love languages? Are you present to their needs? And when you don’t hear from them, what’s your thought process? Are you securely attached? Are you familiar with your attachment style? Are you comfortable setting boundaries? Who are you when you’re angry? What’s your communication style? The answers to these questions will help you understand your behavioural patters which are directly linked to your belief system. What do you believe to be true about yourself that led you here?
Analyze your self-talk for a minute. How do you talk to yourself? What’s the internal dialogue when you’re happy, mad or disappointed in yourself? Look at the people around you, do they reflect this? How do they talk to you? Remember that your environment is a physical manifestation of your thoughts. This means that what happens in your mind, will show up in your life. As a life coach, my intention is to help you identify the parts of yourself that are holding you back from flourishing. You can absolutely fall madly in love with yourself, and live the life that you’ve always envisioned for yourself. But first, we have to address the limiting beliefs. Have you made mistakes that you deem unforgivable? Do you cringe at some of the decisions you’ve made in the past? Do you believe you’ll only be worthy of love when you achieve a certain level of success? Or when you (fill in the blank).
We’re here to affirm you that you are WORTHY of love just as you are. You don’t have to hide anymore. I need you to understand that you are not defined but your past mistakes or anything that no longer serves you. I implore you to to take a moment to acknowledge just how far you’ve come. Just for today, let go of the shame, guilt and unrealistic expectations. And then tomorrow, we try again. When you start to feel better about yourself, you’ll notice that your choices will also reflect this; who you associate with, what you consume, where you work and play, etc. When you awaken to the true essence of your being, you’ll align yourself with people and situations that support this version of you. You can absolutely start today, right where you are and you’ll meet your higher self along the way.
Ultimately, we’re all doing the best we can with the tools available to us. And if you’re struggling, love yourself a little harder. I need you to know that you are worth the effort. YOU ARE WORTHY. YOU ARE ENOUGH, JUST AS YOU ARE. Until next time...
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