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Meet Aseema Kazi: The Serial Entrepreneur Transforming Hospitality Through Health Consciousness

41-year-old serial entrepreneur, CEO, and author leading the Baluchi Group of Companies, Aseema Kazi, is transforming South Africa’s hospitality industry with a focus on health consciousness.

What began as a passion project in 2019 has evolved into a renowned brand encompassing subsidiary ventures under the Baluchi umbrella: Baluchi Restaurant, Baluchi Fit offering customized healthy meal preps, Baluchi Bespoke Catering & Culinary Designing, and the newly launched Baluchi Grillhouse.

Baluchi has emerged as a corporate market leader, highlighted by their recent achievement in curating the Halal menu for the presidential inauguration.

In addition to her role at Baluchi, Aseema heads "The Style Factor," an image consulting and styling company. This entity includes three brands - Karamel, Ziba Plush, and TSF Bespoke - and has styled prominent South African celebrities and international artists. Aseema's clothing brands promote body positivity, celebrating women's uniqueness and diversity.

Aseema is also the author of "The Secret to Finding Love," a book inspired by her colorful and inspiring life journey. Her key message emphasizes the importance of self-worth and self-value in relationships, alongside pursuing personal fulfillment.

Beyond her entrepreneurial ventures, Aseema co-founded the NGO Help Foundation, which has provided significant assistance during disasters in KZN, including sending over 22 tons of supplies, 12,000 liters of drinking water, and distributing over 500 hampers. Their current initiative involves constructing a learning center for underprivileged children.

She chats to us about her achievements in business, personal growth, and community impact.

Image: Supplied

Glamour South: Your businesses, including Baluchi Fit and Baluchi Bespoke Catering & Culinary Designing, focus on health and culinary excellence. What inspired you to incorporate these elements into your brand, and how do they reflect your personal values?

Aseema: We live in a world that has become far more health conscious and looks at adopting a more healthy lifestyle so the food choices of individuals have become more healthy. I was the guinea pig when I introduced Baluchi Fit as I had put on a lot of weight after having my kids. My biggest challenge was that I didn’t find “diet food” sustainable in the long term as it was too bland and boring. I studied a course on nutrition and implemented meals that were both nutritious and tasty.

Baluchi Bespoke Catering and Culinary Designing is a direct result of my creative flair. This division of the business is managed entirely by me and every order that goes out is carefully curated by myself.

This is a very niche market where every menu is customised to suit the individuals needs and requirements. We have been very privileged recently to have been appointed as the official Halaal Supplier at the Presidential Inauguration. We have also managed over the years to secure high end corporate clients.

Glamour: Integrity, respect, and employee satisfaction are among the core values of your organization. How do you ensure these values are upheld in your daily operations and interactions with your team?

Aseema: I think one of the key components is to employ staff who share similar values and ethos to you and your business. I am big on upskilling and developing my staff so I invest in them by paying for them to study and upskill themselves which enables them to perform their jobs more efficiently. Another motivating factor that contributes to employee satisfaction is to promote current staff to senior positions instead of bringing in people from the outside.

Glamour: As the founder of The Style Factor and owner of three clothing brands, you emphasize body positivity and women's empowerment. How do you incorporate these principles into your fashion ventures, and what impact do you hope to achieve?

Aseema: Sadly, far too many women dim their own light so that another can shine brightly and are often so harsh on themselves when it comes to their body shape and size. One of my main objectives is for women to stop having the ideology that a perfect body is one of a size zero model. One of my clothing brands called Ziba Plush focuses on “plush size” women celebrating their Amazing curves. Women must be able to wear whatever they want not just to define their bodies but to show that they have control. Women need to start supporting and uplifting each other more and what I hope to achieve to is to be able to get women together from all walks of life under one roof and empower each other.

Image: Supplied

Glamour: Your book, "The Secret to Finding Love," delves into themes of self-worth and confidence. What personal experiences influenced your writing, and what message do you hope readers take away from it?

Aseema: The Secret to finding Love has been a culmination of a life long dream for me and has been influenced by my own life’s journey which has been both colourful and inspiring. The key intention around the message in my book is that self-worth and value for oneself should never be compromised over wanting a family as well. Pursuing ones dream with reckless abandon often builds confidence and appreciation of oneself where you no longer look for validation outwardly. Confidence is a natural aphrodisiac, you don’t need to chase love, it finds you where you are at.

Glamour: Wearing multiple hats as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and successful businesswoman, how do you balance your personal and professional life while continuing to pursue new ventures?

Aseema: Family always comes first for me but I am also blessed to have a great support system and an amazing partner. I often juggle many balls in the air but I make it work. I don’t believe that you should stop living because you have children or you’re married. I’m a firm believer that everyone needs to fit into your lifestyle. I am an extremely dedicated mother but I also strike a balance and not give up on my professional dreams and aspirations

Glamour: As a co-founder of the Help Foundation, you have embarked on various humanitarian projects. What drives your commitment to philanthropy, and what are some of the most rewarding experiences you've had through this work?

Aseema: Some of the projects that Help Foundation has embarked on over the years have been an Adopt a School Campaign, Adopt and Orphanage and we have also raised funds for those affected by the COVID 19 Lockdown in South Africa, Syria and Lebanon.

Help Foundation has also played a huge role in assisting with the KZN disaster by sending down just over 22 tons of supplies and providing over 12000 litres of drinking water.

Glamour: Your success story is a testament to hard work, ambition, and perseverance. What do you believe are the essential qualities and mindset needed for someone to achieve their goals and turn their dreams into reality?

Aseema: Always strive to be your authentic self in whatever you choose to do. Be passionate in whatever you do. Don’t sit around waiting for the next best thing to happen but instead work tirelessly to turn your dreams into a reality. Be purposeful about you and what you do. There should be value in whatever you do and try and impact positively in the next persons life.

Glamour: Looking ahead, what are your future goals and aspirations for your businesses and humanitarian efforts? How do you plan to continue evolving and making a positive impact?

Aseema: I am very excited to be launching my second restaurant very soon which is a fine dining Grillhouse. Yet another expansion to the Baluchi brand which is something that I am really looking forward to. I strive to be the market leader by building my empire one business at a time. On the humanitarian side we are in the process of building a learning centre in an underprivileged area to assist and make learning for kids more enjoyable. I am also in the process of launching a mentorship programme that will assist kids starting from Grade 11 to help equip them make better choices for their future.

Words Written By Takudzwa Nyambi

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