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Make the breast choice –#DontBeAHotHead, choose to know and get tested

Strawberry Lips challenges South Africans to not be a hothead in their new Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign.

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And once again, Strawberry Lips Cream Liqueur has taken to the sky with their awareness campaign, don’t be a Hothead, to drive the message that early detection can save your life and breast cancer can strike at any age. The Don’t be a Hothead campaign aims to educate South African woman about how to do self-examinations and equip them with general information on breast cancer.Get tested, live life to the fullest – and take to the sky!

The leading cause of cancer deaths amongst women

With 1.7 million women diagnosed each year, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. And in South Africa, according to the National Cancer Registry, one in 26 women are at risk of developing breast cancer, which accounts for 20.8% of all female cancers in the country.

Although the risk of breast cancer increases as a person gets older, many women under the age of 40 have been - and will continue to be - diagnosed. Whether young women don’t know that they are at risk, that they’ve never been shown how to self-check, or that they’re not sure where to get help, many don’t find treatment until it's too late. Scary but true, the survival rate for breast cancer once it has reached stage 3 and 4 is only 24% yet if caught early that survival rate skyrockets to 93%.

Early detection saves lives

October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month; Strawberry Lips is continuing its ongoing efforts to create awareness and educate young women about early detection by challenging them to talk to their health care providers and check their breasts regularly. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat.

Choose to know

Image: Supplied

Don’t ignore risk factors such as a family history of breast cancer or early warning signs such as visible changes to your breasts. Lumps, dimpling, swelling, pain, discolouring, nipple retraction or inversion, and discharge could be early symptoms of breast cancer.

But don’t take for granted that it’s not there if it’s not visible. Know how to do a self-exam at home. It’s easy: stand shirtless in front of a mirror and use your fingers to trace circular motions over your breasts all the way up to your armpits using different levels of pressure as you do. Take your time! It isn’t a race, it’s your life. And it’s important to perform this self-exam once a month as a rule, regardless of whether you find anything.

Get tested

If you see or feel anything that is cause for concern do not disregard it. Book yourself in for a mammogram with your doctor, or contact a public hospital breast clinic, CANSA Care Centre or Clicks. “Cancer has touched the lives of almost everyone I know, which is why it is so crucial that we continue to educate women about the importance of self-examinations and regular screenings” says Strawberry Lips marketing manager, Vanessa Nel.

Stay safe, the sky is the limit

Stand a chance to WIN a hot air balloon ride courtesy of Strawberry Lips when you join the conversation this Breast Cancer Awareness Month. All you must do to enter is participate on social media @strawberrylipsliqueur using the hashtag #DontBeAHotHead.

When we raise our voices about breast cancer, we help create awareness about the importance of breast cancer screening, early detection, and support.

Visit Strawberry Lips on, connect on Facebook /StrawberryLipsLiqueur and Instagram @strawberrylipsliqueur.

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