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Looking for a single moms’ haven?

Being a single mom can often lead to parental burnout. Cue Odyssey Single Mom’s Club – founded by Belinda Mfalapitsa and Sifa Tema – where they offer a nurturing space for single mothers to unwind, recharge, and reflect. Here, Belinda lets us in on her approach to creating a safe space.

Glamour: What inspired the idea of the Odyssey Single Mom’s Club?

Belinda: It was established in 2021 with the aim to support and create a safe space for single mothers. The Wellness and Mindful Living Retreat was inspired by the following points:

Spiritual alignment

With the start of a new year, we saw the need to establish ways that will help us to be in tune with who we are and our supreme being. In essence the Wellness Retreat assists in ensuring that throughout our struggles and hardships that we face as single mothers, we are well equipped and spiritually grounded to face our day to day challenges.

Emotional stress relief

In the journey of being a single mother we often struggle to deal with our past pains and struggles that come with failed relationships and having to now raise our children single handedly. The Retreat allows us a space of healing and enables us to leave the past behind and tap into the fullness of joy by freeing ourselves and our minds from the things we cannot control.

Mindful living

The Wellness Retreat will furthermore help us to better connect with our body, mind and soul, also to establish various methods that we can use at home to calm ourselves in times of pain and stressful situations.

We address these challenges in a transformative journey designed to nurture the mind, body and soul, amidst the serene beauty of nature rooted in the principles of holistic healing, self discovery and community support. The Wellness Retreat speaks to personal growth, renewal and empowerment, providing a sacred space to rejuvenate, heal and reconnect with themselves in nature through immersive experiences, therapeutic actions and supportive community engagement. The Retreat also explores the depths of self love, inner strength and resilience.

Image: Supplied

Glamour: What are some of the key components or activities offered at your retreat that aim to support and empower single moms?

BM: The activities offered were:

• Waterful bath/ cleansing

• Mindful healing walk

• Meditation sessions

• Group activities The aim of these activities was to explore the importance of self-love and cultivate a positive self-image, and also serve as stress relief exercises.

Glamour: Can you tell us about any transformative experiences? BM: The theme was “Wellness Mindful Living Retreat,” with the aim of enabling everyone to relax, rejuvenate, and reconnect with themselves spiritually, mentally, and physically. This goal was achieved as members were observed enjoying and actively participating in all the planned activities, including meditation and rock pool cleansing, many of which were first-time experiences for them. Club members were able to release the pain and burdens they had been carrying for so long, with some experiencing the healing power of nature and addressing issues with a calmer and more cheerful demeanor.

Facebook & IG: Odyssey Single Moms Club

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