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Stay hydrated and flourish - lockdown style

Picture: Pexels

The sober reality of Corona.

With liquor stores closed and alcohol stock drying up, we are all faced with different realities and with so much time on our hands, and nowhere to go, the tone of the conversations with ourselves is changing.

The dynamics of the relationships with our lockdown partners are also shifting. Things are out of alignment and suddenly we have to adapt to change at a rapid pace. Those who struggle with change, have no choice but to ride the wave. And even though SBWL hot wings, greasy food and Oreo Mcflurry’s to suppress all these uncomfortable emotions, access is denied because of lockdown.

The rest of the world is also grappling with the effects of this global pandemic that has brought the global economy to its knees. There is so much uncertainty that the only thing we know for sure is that tomorrow is not guaranteed.

As we learn to live without the things that we placed so much value on, we are forced to take a real look at our value systems, and ourselves. Also, now that we have all this time to ourselves, we can't really complain about Monday or get excited about Friday because every day is pretty much the same indoors.

The harsh reality is, you can spend all your time in your head, planning but everything can change in an instant, literally. So, this moment right now is really all we have. The question is, what you gon' do about it?

You decide who you want to be today, tomorrow and on the other side of this pandemic, you can continue to complain and wish your life away or you can choose to pursue the life of your dreams and set the intention to walk towards it every single day. And when you get the opportunity to make an impact and engrave your name in the sands of time, grab it with both hands.

May you learn to love yourself so fiercely that you refuse to settle for mediocrity. May your next drink be a toast to your success rather than an attempt to escape your reality, and may you never take another minute for granted. Sparkling water anyone?

Our top three books since you can't go to groove:

You're a Bad Ass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by Jen Sincero, available on

The 5 am Club: Own your Morning: Elevate your life by Robin Sharma, available on

The Unexpected Joy of being sober by Catherine Gray, available on

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