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You deserve to treat yourself to this moreish dessert!

Add some South American sweetness to your weekend meal with this quick and easy custard, and an optional dash of rum to keep it fun!


(Serves 6)

What you’ll need

⅓ cup sultanas or seedless raisins

⅓ cup white rum, or more to taste

1 litre full cream milk

1 cinnamon stick

6 tbsp sugar

8 tbsp cornflour

30g butter

1 tsp vanilla extract

Pinch of salt

Ground cinnamon to garnish

The how-to

Soak the sultanas in the rum for at least 15 minutes, and remove.

Bring three cups of the milk to the boil with the cinnamon stick and sugar.

Dissolve the cornflour in the remaining cup of milk.

Once dissolved, add the mixture to the saucepan of boiling milk, whisking continuously.

Once the mixture thickens and reaches boiling point again, add the butter, vanilla, sultanas (reserve a few for garnishing), salt and the rum (if using).

Remove from the heat and pour into individual serving dishes.

Sprinkle with cinnamon and a few sultanas and leave to cool. Serve at room temperature.

Extracted from  Bite of Latin America by Susie Chatz-Anderson (Human & Rousseau; R340)

Looking for more delicious treats? Try this berry and basil ice cream and these  dark chocolate ice tray bombs!

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