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This might just be the ultimate winter comfort food!

There’s nothing better on a cold winter’s night than a steaming bowl of delicious potjie, and this take on the classic South African dish packs a serious flavour punch!


What you’ll need

2 tbsp butter

1 large onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 carrots, finely diced

2 sticks celery, finely sliced

1 tsp cornflour

250ml dry red wine

100–200ml Old Brown Sherry

250ml cold water

1 tsp ground ginger

Leaves of 4–5 oregano sprigs

1 tbsp raspberry (or apple) jelly

1–2 stout oxtails

A potjie pot

The how-to

Heat the potjie pot over hot coals, making sure to have plenty of extra coals ready so that you can add more over the course of 4 hours.

Melt the butter in the potjie and add the chopped onion, crushed garlic, diced carrots and sliced celery. Allow to simmer, stirring now and then, until the vegetables have softened.

Sprinkle over a little cornflour, stir to coat, and cook for a minute or two, stirring. Add the red wine, sherry, water, ginger, oregano and jelly, stir well, and return to a gentle simmer.

Add the oxtail chunks, bring back to a simmer, and cook on a gentle heat for 4-6 hours. Spoon off any extra fat and serve with braai bread.

Extracted from foodSTUFF  by Tony Jackman (Human & Rousseau; R320)

Looking for more scrumptious winter recipes? Try this spicy  seafood curry and this Moroccan chicken dish!

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iab South Africa